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There are 16 words containing 2A, E, K, W and Y

ACKNOWLEDGEABLYacknowledgeably adj. Such that it can be acknowledged.
ACKNOWLEDGEABLE adv. capable of being acknowledged.
BREAKAWAYbreakaway adj. Having broken away from a larger unit.
breakaway adj. Capable of breaking off without damaging the larger structure.
breakaway adj. (Ice hockey) Occurring during or as a result of a breakaway (see Noun).
BREAKAWAYSbreakaways n. Plural of breakaway.
BREAKAWAY n. a revolt, a defection.
GRAYWACKEgraywacke n. Alternative form of greywacke.
GRAYWACKE n. any coarse-grained, usually dark sandstone containing angular mineral and rock fragments in a fine-grained clayey matrix, also GREYWACKE.
GRAYWACKESgraywackes n. Plural of graywacke.
GRAYWACKE n. any coarse-grained, usually dark sandstone containing angular mineral and rock fragments in a fine-grained clayey matrix, also GREYWACKE.
JAWBREAKINGLYjawbreakingly adv. In a way that is very difficult to say or pronounce.
JAWBREAKING adv. difficult to pronounce.
JAYHAWKERjayhawker n. (Historical) An abolitionist raider in the Kansas–Missouri border skirmishes during the American Civil War.
jayhawker n. Any robber or bandit.
JAYHAWKER n. a name given to a freebooting, un-enlisted, armed man or guerrilla in the American Civil War.
JAYHAWKERSjayhawkers n. Plural of jayhawker.
JAYHAWKER n. a name given to a freebooting, un-enlisted, armed man or guerrilla in the American Civil War.
JAYWALKEDjaywalked v. Simple past tense and past participle of jaywalk.
JAYWALK v. to cross a street carelessly.
JAYWALKERjaywalker n. A person who violates pedestrian traffic regulations by crossing a street away from a designated crossing…
jay-walker n. Alternative spelling of jaywalker.
JAYWALKER n. one who walks in the road rather than on the pavement.
JAYWALKERSjaywalkers n. Plural of jaywalker.
jay-walkers n. Plural of jay-walker (alternative spelling of jaywalkers).
JAYWALKER n. one who walks in the road rather than on the pavement.
PADDYWACKEDPADDYWACK v. to spank or smack.
SWAYBACKEDswaybacked adj. Having a sagged back.
swaybacked adj. Having sagged or hollow surface.
swaybacked adj. (Figuratively) Old.
TAKEAWAYtakeaway adj. (Chiefly UK, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand) (Of food) intended to be eaten off the premises…
takeaway n. (Chiefly UK, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand) A restaurant that sells food to be eaten elsewhere.
takeaway n. (Chiefly UK, Australia and New Zealand) A meal which has been purchased and has been carefully packaged…
TAKEAWAYStakeaways n. Plural of takeaway.
take-aways n. Plural of take-away.
TAKEAWAY n. a meal that is taken away from the place of purchase.
WAYMARKEDwaymarked adj. Marked with a waymark.
WAYMARK v. to mark with a waymark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 284 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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