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There are 12 words containing 2A, C, P, V and Y

PYROVANADICpyrovanadic adj. Of, or relating to pyrovanadic acid or its derivatives.
PYROVANADIC adj. pertaining to, or designating, an acid of vanadium.
CAPACITIVELYcapacitively adv. (Physics, electronics) In relation to or in terms of capacitance.
CAPACITIVE adv. relating to capacitance.
GALVANOSCOPYgalvanoscopy n. The use of galvanism in physiological experiments.
GALVANOSCOPY n. the use of a galvanoscope, an instrument for detecting the presence and direction of an electric current.
OVERCAPACITYovercapacity n. A capacity for the production of a commodity or product that is in excess of what is needed.
OVERCAPACITY n. excessive capacity for production or services in relation to demand.
PENTAVALENCYpentavalency n. Alternative form of pentavalence.
PENTAVALENCY n. the condition of having a valency of five, also PENTAVALENCE.
APPLICATIVELYapplicatively adv. In an applicative manner.
APPLICATIVE adv. that can be applied.
CAPTIVATINGLYcaptivatingly adv. In a captivating manner.
CAPTIVATING adv. CAPTIVATE, to charm, fascinate.
COMPARATIVELYcomparatively adv. In a comparative manner.
comparatively adv. When compared to other entities.
COMPARATIVE adv. of the nature of comparison.
ANTICIPATIVELYanticipatively adv. In an anticipative manner; expectantly.
ANTICIPATIVE adv. of anticipation.
APPRECIATIVELYappreciatively adv. In an appreciative manner.
APPRECIATIVE adv. having or showing appreciation.
PREVOCALICALLYprevocalically adv. Immediately preceding a vowel or vowel sound.
PREVOCALIC adv. before a vowel.
PSYCHOGALVANICpsychogalvanic adj. Relating to psychogalvanometry.
PSYCHOGALVANIC adj. as in psychogalvanic response, a change in the electrical properties of the skin in response to stress or anxiety.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 267 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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