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There are 17 words containing 2A, 2C, V and Y

VACANCYvacancy n. An unoccupied position or job.
vacancy n. An available room in a hotel; guest house, etc.
vacancy n. Empty space.
ADVOCACYadvocacy n. The profession of an advocate.
advocacy n. The act of arguing in favour of, or supporting someone or something.
advocacy n. The practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard.
SLAVOCRACYslavocracy n. (US, chiefly historical) The persons or interest representing slavery politically, or wielding political…
SLAVOCRACY n. slave-owners collectively.
VACCINATORYvaccinatory adj. Relating to vaccination.
VACCINATORY adj. relating to vaccination.
VOCALICALLYvocalically adv. In terms of, or by means of, a vowel.
VOCALIC adv. of or pertaining to vowel sounds.
ACCUSATIVELYaccusatively adv. In an accusative manner.
accusatively adv. (Not comparable) In relation to the accusative case in grammar.
ACCUSATIVE adv. accusing.
CAPACITIVELYcapacitively adv. (Physics, electronics) In relation to or in terms of capacitance.
CAPACITIVE adv. relating to capacitance.
CLAIRVOYANCEclairvoyance n. (Parapsychology) The power to see the future.
clairvoyance n. Acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness; sagacity.
CLAIRVOYANCE n. the power of seeing things removed in time or space, also CLAIRVOYANCY.
CLAIRVOYANCYclairvoyancy n. (Nonstandard) Clairvoyance.
CLAIRVOYANCY n. the power of seeing things removed in time or space, also CLAIRVOYANCE.
OVERCAPACITYovercapacity n. A capacity for the production of a commodity or product that is in excess of what is needed.
OVERCAPACITY n. excessive capacity for production or services in relation to demand.
VOLCANICALLYvolcanically adv. By means of a volcano.
volcanically adv. (Figurative) In a volcanic (explosive) manner.
VOLCANIC adv. of or like a volcano, also VULCANIC.
CLAIRVOYANCESclairvoyances n. Plural of clairvoyance.
CLAIRVOYANCE n. the power of seeing things removed in time or space, also CLAIRVOYANCY.
CLAVICYTHERIAclavicytheria n. Plural of clavicytherium.
CLAVICYTHERIUM n. a harpsichord-like musical instrument.
ACCUMULATIVELYaccumulatively adv. In an accumulative manner.
ACCUMULATIVE adv. tending or given to accumulation.
CLAIRVOYANCIESCLAIRVOYANCY n. the power of seeing things removed in time or space, also CLAIRVOYANCE.
PREVOCALICALLYprevocalically adv. Immediately preceding a vowel or vowel sound.
PREVOCALIC adv. before a vowel.
PSYCHOGALVANICpsychogalvanic adj. Relating to psychogalvanometry.
PSYCHOGALVANIC adj. as in psychogalvanic response, a change in the electrical properties of the skin in response to stress or anxiety.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 202 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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