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There are 19 words containing 3A, H, K and R

AKHARAakhara n. A member of an order of ascetic monks in parts of India.
akhara n. A monastery used by this order.
AKHARA n. (Hindi) a gymnasium.
AKHARASakharas n. Plural of akhara.
AKHARA n. (Hindi) a gymnasium.
RAKSHASArakshasa n. (Indian mythology) A member of a race of mythical fanged demons that eat human flesh and blood, somewhat…
RAKSHASA n. (Sanskrit) in Hindu mythology, an evil spirit, also RAKSHAS.
ASTRAKHANastrakhan n. Closely-curled black or grey fleece of very young karakul lambs from Astrakhan.
astrakhan n. Cloth resembling the above mentioned fur, often made from wool and mohair and used for trimmings.
Astrakhan prop.n. An oblast of Russia.
PRACHARAKpracharak n. (India) A missionary or recruiter belonging to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, an Indian nationalist paramilitary…
PRACHARAK n. (Hindi) in India, a person appointed to propagate a cause through personal contacts, meetings etc.
RAKSHASASrakshasas n. Plural of rakshasa.
RAKSHASA n. (Sanskrit) in Hindu mythology, an evil spirit, also RAKSHAS.
ASTRAKHANSastrakhans n. Plural of astrakhan.
Astrakhans n. Plural of Astrakhan.
ASTRAKHAN n. a closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs, also ASTRACHAN.
MUKHABARATmukhabarat n. Alternative form of Mukhabarat.
Mukhabarat n. The secret police or intelligence forces in certain Arabic-speaking countries.
MUKHABARAT n. (in Middle Eastern countries) a secret police force.
PRACHARAKSpracharaks n. Plural of pracharak.
PRACHARAK n. (Hindi) in India, a person appointed to propagate a cause through personal contacts, meetings etc.
APPARATCHIKapparatchik n. (Historical) A member of the Soviet apparat; a Communist bureaucrat or agent.
apparatchik n. A blindly loyal bureaucrat.
APPARATCHIK n. (Russian) a member of the (Soviet) bureaucracy; now extended to apply to any inflexible organisation man, particularly in a political party.
MUKHABARATSMUKHABARAT n. (in Middle Eastern countries) a secret police force.
SVARABHAKTIsvarabhakti n. (Linguistics, phonology) Epenthesis of a vowel, as in the football chant Engerland for England; anaptyxis.
SVARABHAKTI n. (Sanskrit) the development of a vowel between consonants.
APPARATCHIKIapparatchiki n. Plural of apparatchik.
APPARATCHIK n. (Russian) a member of the (Soviet) bureaucracy; now extended to apply to any inflexible organisation man, particularly in a political party.
APPARATCHIKSapparatchiks n. Plural of apparatchik.
APPARATCHIK n. (Russian) a member of the (Soviet) bureaucracy; now extended to apply to any inflexible organisation man, particularly in a political party.
KATHAREVOUSAKatharevousa prop.n. A learned, archaising form of Modern Greek, based on Classical Greek and used for formal and official…
KATHAREVOUSA n. a formal archaizing written form of Modern Greek, based on Ancient Greek.
SVARABHAKTISsvarabhaktis n. Plural of svarabhakti.
SVARABHAKTI n. (Sanskrit) the development of a vowel between consonants.
KATHAREVOUSASKATHAREVOUSA n. a formal archaizing written form of Modern Greek, based on Ancient Greek.
ALEXIPHARMAKONalexipharmakon n. Alternative form of alexipharmacon.
ALEXIPHARMAKON n. an antidote to poison.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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