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There are 18 words containing 3A, C, S and W

CARAWAYScaraways n. Plural of caraway.
Caraways prop.n. Plural of Caraway.
CARAWAY n. an umbelliferous plant with aromatic seeds used as a tonic and condiment, also CARRAWAY, CARVY.
CASTAWAYcastaway adj. Cast adrift or ashore; marooned.
castaway adj. Shipwrecked.
castaway adj. Cast out; rejected or excluded from a group.
CATAWBAScatawbas n. Plural of catawba.
Catawbas n. Plural of Catawba.
CATAWBA n. a well known light red variety of American grape; a red wine made from it.
SCALAWAGscalawag n. (Derogatory) A rascal.
scalawag n. (Derogatory, archaic) A scrawny cow.
scalawag n. (Derogatory, US, archaic or historical) Any white Southerner who supported the federal plan of Reconstruction…
CARRAWAYScarraways n. Plural of carraway.
Carraways prop.n. Plural of Carraway.
CARRAWAY n. an umbelliferous plant with aromatic seeds used as a tonic and condiment, also CARAWAY.
CASTAWAYScastaways n. Plural of castaway.
CASTAWAY n. an outcast.
SCALAWAGSscalawags n. Plural of scalawag.
SCALAWAG n. a good-for-nothing, a rascal; in US history, a white Southerner who acted in support of the Reconstruction after the Civil War, also SCALLAWAG, SCALLYWAG.
SCALLAWAGscallawag n. Alternative spelling of scalawag.
SCALLAWAG n. a good-for-nothing, a rascal, also SCALAWAG, SCALLYWAG.
CASUALWEARcasualwear n. Clothing for non-formal occasions.
CATAWAMPUScatawampus adj. (US) Out of alignment, in disarray or disorder: crooked, askew.
catawampus adv. (US) Diagonally.
catawampus adv. (US) Utterly.
SCALLAWAGSscallawags n. Plural of scallawag.
SCALLAWAG n. a good-for-nothing, a rascal, also SCALAWAG, SCALLYWAG.
CARRIAGEWAYScarriageways n. Plural of carriageway.
CARRIAGEWAY n. the part of a road used by vehicular traffic.
CHUCKAWALLASchuckawallas n. Plural of chuckawalla.
CHUCKAWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKWALLA.
MAJOLICAWARESMAJOLICAWARE n. goods made from majolica.
AIRCRAFTSWOMANaircraftswoman n. An aircraftwoman.
AIRCRAFTSWOMAN n. a member of the lowest (female) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTWOMAN.
BACKWARDATIONSbackwardations n. Plural of backwardation.
BACKWARDATION n. on the Stock Exchange, the postponement of the delivery of stock; a charge associated with this.
STRAITWAISTCOATstraitwaistcoat n. (Now rare) A straitjacket.
STRAITWAISTCOAT n. a straitjacket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 493 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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