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There are 16 words containing 3A, C, H and Z

CHALAZAchalaza n. (Botany) The location where the nucellus attaches to the integuments, opposite the micropyle.
chalaza n. (Zoology) One of the two spiral bands which attach the yolk of an egg to the eggshell, suspending it in the white.
CHALAZA n. (Greek) a band of tissue in an egg.
CHALAZAEchalazae n. Plural of chalaza.
CHALAZA n. (Greek) a band of tissue in an egg.
CHALAZALchalazal adj. Of or pertaining to the chalaza.
CHALAZAL adj. of or pertaining to the chalaza, the base of the ovule.
CHALAZASchalazas n. Plural of chalaza.
CHALAZA n. (Greek) a band of tissue in an egg.
CHALAZIAchalazia n. Plural of chalazion.
CHALAZION n. (Greek) a swollen, inflamed sebaceous gland in the eyelid.
AZEDARACHazedarach n. An Asiatic tree (Melia azedarach), common in the southern United States, commonly called bead tree, chinaberry, etc.
azedarach n. The bark of the roots of the azedarach, used as a cathartic and emetic.
AZEDARACH n. (Persian) the stringent bark of the chinaberry, used as an emetic and cathartic.
AZEDARACHSazedarachs n. Plural of azedarach.
AZEDARACH n. (Persian) the stringent bark of the chinaberry, used as an emetic and cathartic.
CHALAZOGAMYchalazogamy n. (Botany) A process of fecundation in which the pollen tube penetrates to the embryo sac through the…
CHALAZOGAMY n. the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza, as opposed to porogamy.
CHALAZOGAMICchalazogamic adj. Relating to chalazogamy.
CHALAZOGAMIC adj. relating to chalazogamy, the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza.
CHALAZOGAMIESCHALAZOGAMY n. the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza, as opposed to porogamy.
CHAPTALIZATIONchaptalization n. The addition of sugar to grape juice in the fermentation of wine. Usually done if the grapes are thought…
CHAPTALIZATION n. the process of chaptalizing, also CHAPTALISATION.
SACCHARIZATIONsaccharization n. The action, or the result of saccharizing.
SACCHARIZATION n. the process of saccharizing, also SACCHARISATION.
ACHROMATIZATIONachromatization n. The act or process of achromatizing.
ACHROMATIZATION n. the process of achromatizing, also ACHROMATISATION.
CHARACTERIZABLEcharacterizable adj. Able to be characterized.
CHARACTERIZABLE adj. able to be characterized, also CHARACTERISABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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