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There are 19 words containing 3A, C, E and X

CARAPAXEScarapaxes n. Plural of carapax.
CARAPAX n. a hard, protective outer covering, also CARAPACE.
OXALACETATEoxalacetate n. Alternative form of oxaloacetate.
OXALACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALOACETATE.
EXCAVATIONALexcavational adj. Relating to excavation.
EXCAVATIONAL adj. relating to excavation.
EXTRACRANIALextracranial adj. Not intracranial, but outside the cranium.
EXTRACRANIAL adj. situated or occurring outside the cranium.
EXTRAVAGANCEextravagance n. Excessive or superfluous expenditure of money.
extravagance n. Prodigality, as of anger, love, expression, imagination, or demands.
EXTRAVAGANCE n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCY.
EXTRAVAGANCYextravagancy n. (Archaic, 17-19th centuries) The characteristic of being extravagant.
extravagancy n. (Archaic, 17-19th centuries) A thing that is extravagant.
EXTRAVAGANCY n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCE.
OXALACETATESoxalacetates n. Plural of oxalacetate.
OXALACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALOACETATE.
OXALOACETATEoxaloacetate n. (Organic chemistry) any salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid.
OXALOACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALACETATE.
EXCLAMATIONALexclamational adj. Relating to, or having the form of, an exclamation.
EXCLAMATIONAL adj. of or like an exclamation.
EXTRAGALACTICextragalactic adj. (Astronomy) Originating outside of the Milky Way galaxy.
extragalactic adj. (Astronomy) Originating outside of any galaxy.
extragalactic adj. (Science fiction) Originating outside of the local galaxy.
EXTRAVAGANCESextravagances n. Plural of extravagance.
EXTRAVAGANCE n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCY.
EXTRAVASCULARextravascular adj. Situated or happening outside of the blood vessels or lymph vessels.
EXTRAVASCULAR adj. not occurring or contained in body vessels.
OXALOACETATESoxaloacetates n. Plural of oxaloacetate.
OXALOACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALACETATE.
CANTHAXANTHINECANTHAXANTHINE n. a naturally occurring carotenoid used esp. as a color additive for food, also CANTHAXANTHIN.
EXTRACANONICALextracanonical adj. Outside of canon.
EXTRACANONICAL adj. not part of the canon of the Bible.
EXTRAVAGANCIESextravagancies n. Plural of extravagancy.
EXTRAVAGANCY n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCE.
SAXIFRAGACEOUSsaxifragaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to an order of plants (Saxifragaceae) of which saxifrage is the type.
SAXIFRAGACEOUS adj. belonging to the saxifrage family.
CANTHAXANTHINESCANTHAXANTHINE n. a naturally occurring carotenoid used esp. as a color additive for food, also CANTHAXANTHIN.
PARADOXICALNESSparadoxicalness n. The state or quality of being paradoxical.
PARADOXICAL n. of the nature of a paradox, also PARADOXAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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