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There are 20 words containing 3A, B, G and U

RUTABAGArutabaga n. (Now North America) The swede, or Swedish turnip; the European plant Brassica napus var. napobrassica.
rutabaga n. (Now North America) The edible root of this plant.
ruta-baga n. Alternative form of rutabaga.
GUANABANAguanabana n. The soursop or custard apple.
GUANABANA n. a tropical tree or its fruit.
GUAYABERAguayabera n. (Chiefly US) A light, open-necked, short-sleeved shirt worn by men in Latin America and the West Indies.
GUAYABERA n. (Spanish) a short-sleeved, lightweight sports shirt designed to be worn untucked.
RUTABAGASrutabagas n. Plural of rutabaga.
ruta-bagas n. Plural of ruta-baga.
RUTABAGA n. (Swedish) a root vegetable like a swede.
GUANABANASguanabanas n. Plural of guanabana.
GUANABANA n. a tropical tree or its fruit.
GUAYABERASguayaberas n. Plural of guayabera.
GUAYABERA n. (Spanish) a short-sleeved, lightweight sports shirt designed to be worn untucked.
SUBPARAGRAPHsubparagraph n. Part of a longer paragraph that can be considered alone, as in a legal document.
subparagraph v. To divide a document into subparagraphs.
sub-paragraph n. Alternative spelling of subparagraph.
UNMANAGEABLEunmanageable adj. Not manageable; not readily submitting to handling or management; not easily restrained, governed, or directed.
UNMANAGEABLE adj. not capable of being managed.
UNMANAGEABLYunmanageably adv. In an unmanageable manner; uncontrollably.
UNMANAGEABLE adv. not capable of being managed.
SUBPARAGRAPHSsubparagraphs n. Plural of subparagraph.
sub-paragraphs n. Plural of sub-paragraph (alternative spelling of subparagraphs).
SUBPARAGRAPH n. a subdivision of a paragraph.
UNASSUAGEABLEunassuageable adj. (Usually of an emotion) Impossible to assuage.
UNASSUAGEABLE adj. not capable of being assuaged.
UNGAINSAYABLEungainsayable adj. That cannot be gainsaid; irrefutable.
UNGAINSAYABLE adj. that cannot be gainsaid.
UNSALVAGEABLEunsalvageable adj. That cannot be salvaged; not salvageable.
UNSALVAGEABLE adj. not salvageable.
UNSALVAGEABLYunsalvageably adv. In an unsalvageable way; irrecoverably.
ABSQUATULATINGabsquatulating v. Present participle of absquatulate.
ABSQUATULATE v. to decamp.
BOUGAINVILLAEAbougainvillaea n. Alternative spelling of bougainvillea.
CAMOUFLAGEABLEcamouflageable adj. Capable of being camouflaged.
CAMOUFLAGEABLE adj. capable of being camouflaged.
UNMARRIAGEABLEunmarriageable adj. Not marriageable, unsuitable for marriage.
unmarriageable adj. That cannot be reconciled, inconsistent.
UNMARRIAGEABLE adj. not marriageable.
BOUGAINVILLAEASbougainvillaeas n. Plural of bougainvillaea.
UNMANAGEABILITYunmanageability n. Unmanageableness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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