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There are 10 words containing 3A, B, C and V

BACLAVAbaclava n. Alternative form of baklava.
BACLAVA n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern dessert, also BAKLAVA, BAKLAWA.
BACLAVASbaclavas n. Plural of baclava.
BACLAVA n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern dessert, also BAKLAVA, BAKLAWA.
BALACLAVAbalaclava n. A type of warm headgear covering the neck, head, and often part of the face, with apertures left as…
balaclava n. (Chiefly UK, Canada) A ski mask with holes for the eyes and, sometimes, the nose and mouth, which may…
Balaclava prop.n. A town in St. Elizabeth parish, Jamaica.
BALACLAVASbalaclavas n. Plural of balaclava.
BALACLAVA n. a knitted hat which covers the head and neck.
CANVASBACKcanvasback n. A North American wild duck, Aythya valisineria, popular as a game bird.
CANVASBACK n. a species of duck, so named from the markings of the plumage on its back.
CANVASBACKScanvasbacks n. Plural of canvasback.
CANVASBACK n. a species of duck, so named from the markings of the plumage on its back.
VACATABLEvacatable adj. Capable of being vacated.
VACATABLE adj. that can be vacated.
VIBRACULARIAvibracularia n. Plural of vibracularium.
VIBRACULARIUM n. a long bristle, a modified zooid, in some Polyzoa.
VOCABULARIANvocabularian n. One who cultivates a large vocabulary.
VOCABULARIAN n. a person much, or too much, concerned with words.
VOCABULARIANSvocabularians n. Plural of vocabularian.
VOCABULARIAN n. a person much, or too much, concerned with words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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