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There are 18 words containing 4A, C and G

AGALACTIAagalactia n. (Pathology) The failure of a mother (human or otherwise) to produce sufficient milk following birth.
AGALACTIA n. the failure or inability to produce milk.
AGALACTIASagalactias n. Plural of agalactia.
AGALACTIA n. the failure or inability to produce milk.
AGRAMMATICALagrammatical adj. (Grammar) Not grammatical; ungrammatical.
AGRAMMATICAL adj. not grammatical.
ANAGRAMMATICanagrammatic adj. Being or relating to an anagram.
ANAGRAMMATIC adj. like an anagram, also ANAGRAMMATICAL.
ANAGRAMMATICALanagrammatical adj. Alternative form of anagrammatic.
ANAGRAMMATICAL adj. like an anagram, also ANAGRAMMATIC.
ANGIOSARCOMATAangiosarcomata n. Plural of angiosarcoma.
ANGIOSARCOMA n. a malignant tumour of the vascular epithelia, occurring e.g. in the liver.
CARAGANAcaragana n. Any of several shrubs or small trees, of the genus Caragana, that often have golden flowers.
CARAGANA n. any of a genus of hardy leguminous shrubs grown for their showy golden flowers.
CARAGANAScaraganas n. Plural of caragana.
CARAGANA n. any of a genus of hardy leguminous shrubs grown for their showy golden flowers.
DIAGRAMMATICALdiagrammatical adj. Diagrammatic.
DIAGRAMMATICAL adj. of or like a diagram, also DIAGRAMMATIC.
GALACTOSAEMIAgalactosaemia n. Alternative spelling of galactosemia.
GALACTOSAEMIA n. the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSEMIA.
GALACTOSAEMIASgalactosaemias n. Plural of galactosaemia.
GALACTOSAEMIA n. the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSEMIA.
MEGALOMANIACALmegalomaniacal adj. Megalomaniac.
MEGALOMANIACAL adj. relating to megalomania, also MEGALOMANIC.
PALAEOGRAPHICALpalaeographical adj. Of or pertaining to palaeography.
palæographical adj. Obsolete spelling of paleographical.
PALAEOGRAPHICAL adj. related to palaeography, the study of ancient writings, also PALEOGRAPHIC.
PARADIGMATICALparadigmatical adj. Alternative form of paradigmatic.
PARADIGMATICAL adj. in the form of a paradigm, also PARADIGMATIC.
PARAGRAPHICALparagraphical adj. Alternative form of paragraphic.
PARAGRAPHICAL adj. relating to paragraphs, also PARAGRAPHIC.
PARAGRAPHICALLYparagraphically adv. In paragraphs; divided into paragraphs.
PARAGRAPHICAL adv. relating to paragraphs, also PARAGRAPHIC.
PASSACAGLIApassacaglia n. (Music) A form of historical Spanish or Italian dance characterised by a serious nature, triple metre…
passacaglia n. (Music, by extension) Any piece of classical music with similar characteristics.
PASSACAGLIA n. (Italian) an old slow Italian or Spanish dance; variations on a theme over a continuously repeated ground bass.
PASSACAGLIASpassacaglias n. Plural of passacaglia.
PASSACAGLIA n. (Italian) an old slow Italian or Spanish dance; variations on a theme over a continuously repeated ground bass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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