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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2R, T, U and Y

ABORTUARYabortuary n. (Slang, anti-abortion, derogatory) A place where abortions are performed.
ABORTUARY n. an antiabortion term for an abortion clinic.
CARRYOUTScarryouts n. Plural of carryout.
CARRYOUT n. a takeout order of food.
CARTULARYcartulary n. A medieval manuscript register containing full or excerpted transcriptions of important documents, especially…
cartulary n. A collection of original documents bound in one volume.
cartulary n. An officer who had charge of records or other public papers.
COURTYARDcourtyard n. An area, open to the sky, partially or wholly surrounded by walls or buildings.
COURTYARD n. a court or enclosed ground attached to a building, usually a large house.
FRUCTUARYfructuary n. One who enjoys the profits or increase of anything.
FRUCTUARY n. a person enjoying the fruits of anything.
GARRULITYgarrulity n. The state or characteristic of being garrulous.
GARRULITY n. talkativeness.
MARQUETRYmarquetry n. (Uncountable, woodworking) A decorative technique in which veneers of wood, ivory, metal etc. are inlaid…
marquetry n. (Countable) An example of this work.
MARQUETRY n. furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETERIE.
MARTYRIUMmartyrium n. A tomb or other edifice erected in homage to a martyr.
martyrium n. (Rhetoric) Confirming something by referring to one’s own experience.
MARTYRIUM n. (Latin) a shrine erected in honour of a martyred person, also MARTYRY.
PARQUETRYparquetry n. The technique of applying wooden tiles or veneers to create a decorative geometrical pattern on floors, furniture etc.
PARQUETRY n. the art of making parquet, a floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks.
POURTRAYDPOURTRAY v. (Spenser) to portray, also PORTRAY.
POURTRAYSpourtrays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pourtray.
POURTRAY v. (Spenser) to portray, also PORTRAY.
PURGATORYpurgatory n. (Christianity) Alternative letter-case form of Purgatory.
purgatory n. Any situation where suffering is endured, particularly as part of a process of redemption.
purgatory adj. Tending to cleanse; expiatory.
QUARTERLYquarterly adj. Occurring once every quarter year (three months).
quarterly adj. (Heraldry) (of a coat of arms) Divided into four parts crosswise.
quarterly adv. Once every quarter year (three months).
STRANGURYstrangury n. (Pathology) A painful, frequent need to urinate, when the bladder is largely empty or with little urine production.
STRANGURY n. severe pain in the urethra with intense desire to pass urine or painful passage of a few drops of urine.
TRIBUNARYtribunary adj. Of or pertaining to tribunes.
TRIBUNARY adj. relating to a tribune.
TRIBUTARYtributary n. (Hydrology) A natural water stream that flows into a larger river or other body of water.
tributary n. (Anatomy) A vein which drains into a another vein.
tributary n. A nation, state, or other entity that pays tribute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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