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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, O, P, 2S and Y

APOPHYSESapophyses n. Plural of apophyse.
APOPHYSIS n. an expanded or projecting part of an organism, esp. of bone.
APOPHYSISapophysis n. (Anatomy) A natural outgrowth, swelling or enlargement, usually of an organism; a protuberance on a bone.
apophysis n. (Botany) The external part of a cone scale.
apophysis n. (Geology) A branch of a dike or vein.
ASPERSORYaspersory n. Synonym of aspersorium.
aspersory adj. Aspersive.
ASPERSORY n. a vessel for holding holy water.
CALYPSOEScalypsoes n. Plural of calypso.
CALYPSO n. a West Indian ballad dealing with topical events.
CARYOPSEScaryopses n. Plural of caryopsis.
CARYOPSIS n. (Greek) a dry indehiscent fruit characteristic of grasses.
CARYOPSIScaryopsis n. (Botany) A type of fruit in which the fruit skin is stuck to the seed coat; especially the grain of a cereal.
CARYOPSIS n. (Greek) a dry indehiscent fruit characteristic of grasses.
DYSPNOEASdyspnoeas n. Plural of dyspnoea.
dyspnœas n. Plural of dyspnœa.
DYSPNOEA n. laboured breathing, also DYSPNEA.
DYSTOPIASdystopias n. Plural of dystopia.
DYSTOPIA n. a place thought of as the opposite to Utopia, i.e. where everything is as bad as possible.
PADUASOYSpaduasoys n. Plural of paduasoy.
PADUASOY n. (French) corded silk; a garment of this.
PAROXYSMSparoxysms n. Plural of paroxysm.
PAROXYSM n. a sudden fit or attack.
PSYCHOGASPSYCHOGAS n. a gas which makes a person's performance deteriorate very seriously without his being aware of it.
PYRANOSESpyranoses n. Plural of pyranose.
PYRANOSE n. a sugar present in pyran.
PYROSTATSpyrostats n. Plural of pyrostat.
PYROSTAT n. an automatic fire-alarm and extinguisher; a thermostat.
SKIASCOPYskiascopy n. Retinoscopy.
SKIASCOPY n. retinoscopy.
SOAPSUDSYSOAPSUDSY adj. like soapsuds.
SPOONWAYSspoonways adv. Synonym of spoonwise.
SPOONWAYS adv. like spoons packed closely together, also SPOONWISE.
SPOUSALLYspousally adv. As, or in terms of, a spouse.
SPOUSAL adv. nuptial.
SYMPOSIACsymposiac adj. Of or pertaining to a symposium.
symposiac n. A conference or conversation of philosophers at a banquet.
symposiac n. (By extension) Any similar gathering.
SYMPOSIALsymposial adj. Relating to a symposion or symposium.
SYMPOSIAL adj. pertaining to a symposium, a conference, also SYMPOSIAC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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