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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, O, P, R, S and X

AIRPROXESairproxes n. Plural of airprox.
AIRPROX n. a near collision between aircraft in flight.
AUXOSPOREauxospore n. (Biology) A reproductive spore in diatoms that is formed by the union of two cells.
AUXOSPORE n. a diatom cell before its siliceous wall is formed.
DOXAPRAMSDOXAPRAM n. a drug used as a respiratory stimulant.
EXOSPORALexosporal adj. Relating to an exospore.
EXOSPORAL adj. of or like an exospore, the extreme outer layer of a spore.
EXOSPORIAexosporia n. Plural of exosporium.
EXOSPORIUM n. the outermost layer of spores of certain bacilli.
EXPANDORSexpandors n. Plural of expandor.
EXPANDOR n. a type of transducer, an electronic device transmitting received energy in a different form, also EXPANDER.
EXPIATORSexpiators n. Plural of expiator.
EXPIATOR n. one who makes expiation or atonement.
EXTRAPOSEextrapose v. (Grammar, transitive) To move (an element of a phrase) by extraposition.
EXTRAPOSE v. to move an item normally positioned within a phrase or sentence to the end, to focus attention on it.
NAPROXENSNAPROXEN n. an anti-inflammatory drug.
PARADOXESparadoxes n. Plural of paradox.
PARADOX n. (Greek) something which is contrary to conventional opinion.
PAROXYSMSparoxysms n. Plural of paroxysm.
PAROXYSM n. a sudden fit or attack.
XYLOCARPSxylocarps n. Plural of xylocarp.
XYLOCARP n. a hard woody fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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