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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, 2O, 2S and U

AUTOCROSSautocross n. A form of motorsport that tests the skill and speed of a driver over a course marked out with traffic cones.
autocross v. (Intransitive) To take part in this sport.
AUTOCROSS n. motor racing round a rough grass track.
AUTOSOMESautosomes n. Plural of autosome.
AUTOSOME n. a chromosome other than a sex chromosome.
DOCUSOAPSdocusoaps n. Plural of docusoap.
DOCUSOAP n. a television series that follows the lives of real people over a period of time.
ISOGAMOUSisogamous adj. Relating to, or undergoing isogamy.
ISOGAMOUS adj. relating to isogamy, the conjugation of two gametes of equal size and form, also ISOGAMETIC, ISOGAMIC.
OASTHOUSEoasthouse n. Alternative spelling of oast house.
oast␣house n. (Britain) a building containing oasts, used in conjunction with hop harvesting.
OASTHOUSE n. a house where hops are dried.
OUTBOASTSoutboasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outboast.
OUTBOAST v. to surpass in boasting.
OUTSAVORSOUTSAVOR v. (US) to surpass in savor, also OUTSAVOUR.
POUTASSOUPOUTASSOU n. a gadoid fish, aka blue whiting.
ROSACEOUSrosaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a rose, or a member of the Rosaceae family of plants.
rosaceous adj. Resembling or characteristic of rosacea; rosy; reddish.
ROSACEOUS adj. of or pertaining to the Rosaceae or rose family.
SAUROPODSsauropods n. Plural of sauropod.
SAUROPOD n. any gigantic herbivorous quadrupedal dinosaur of the suborder Sauropoda.
SOLACIOUSsolacious adj. (Obsolete) Affording solace.
SOLACIOUS adj. (archaic) giving solace.
SQUADOOSHsquadoosh n. (US, slang) Nothing at all; zip; zilch.
SQUADOOSH n. (US slang) nothing.
STOMATOUSstomatous adj. Having a stoma.
STOMATOUS adj. pertaining to a stoma, one of the minute apertures between the cells in many serous membranes, also STOMATAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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