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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, 2O, 2P and T

APOCOPATEapocopate adj. Shortened by apocope; lacking a final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics) To shorten using apocope; to remove the final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics, intransitive) To undergo apocope.
APOPTOSESapoptoses n. Plural of apoptosis.
apoptoses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apoptose.
APOPTOSIS n. the natural self-destruction of cells in a growing organism.
APOPTOSISapoptosis n. (Biology, cytology) A process of programmed cell death by which cells undergo an ordered sequence of…
APOPTOSIS n. the natural self-destruction of cells in a growing organism.
APOPTOTICapoptotic adj. (Biochemistry) Of or pertaining to apoptosis.
APOPTOTIC adj. relating to apoptosis, the natural destruction of cells in a growing organism.
APPOINTORappointor n. (Law) The person who selects the appointee.
APPOINTOR n. a person who is given (by the owner) the power to appoint property to other persons.
APPORTIONapportion v. (Transitive) To divide and distribute portions of a whole.
apportion v. (Transitive) Specifically, to do so in a fair and equitable manner; to allocate proportionally.
APPORTION v. to portion out.
PAMPOOTIEpampootie n. A traditional shoe, formerly made and worn on the Aran Islands of County Galway, Ireland, consisting…
PAMPOOTIE n. a rawhide slipper worn by men in the Aran Islands.
PARATROOPparatroop n. A company of paratroopers.
PARATROOP adj. relating to paratroops, troops trained to drop by parachute.
PHOTOMAPSphotomaps n. Plural of photomap.
PHOTOMAP v. to map by means of aerial photography.
PHOTOPIASPHOTOPIA n. vision in illumination similar to daylight, believed to involve chiefly the cones of the retina.
PHOTOPLAYphotoplay n. A theatrical play that has been filmed for showing as a movie.
photoplay n. A novel adapted from a movie and illustrated with photographic stills taken from the film. Usage largely…
photoplay n. (Dated) A motion picture, especially a silent film.
PHOTOPSIAphotopsia n. (Medicine) The presence of perceived flashes of light.
PHOTOPSIA n. the appearance of light flashes due to retinal irritation, also PHOTOPSY.
PORPORATEPORPORATE adj. (Browning) clad in purple.
PROPOSITAproposita n. The first identified female case of an inherited disease in a family; the proband or index case.
PROPOSITA n. a woman from whom a line of descent is traced.
PROTANOPEprotanope n. A person who has protanopia.
PROTANOPE n. a sufferer from protanopia, colour-blindness with respect to red.
TOPOGRAPHtopograph n. A monument erected in a high place, such as a hilltop, indicating the direction and distance of notable…
TOPOGRAPH n. a type of X-ray photograph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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