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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, N, R, 2T and Y

ANTIPARTYantiparty adj. (Politics) Opposing a particular political party.
antiparty n. (Politics) A political party that shuns or rejects the mainstream political establishment.
ANTIPARTY adj. opposed to a political party.
ANTISTORYantistory n. Alternative spelling of anti-story.
anti-story n. (Literature) A work of fiction in which the author breaks in some way the conventional rules of storytelling…
ANTISTORY n. a narrative that does not follow the normal conventions of story.
ATTORNEYSattorneys n. Plural of attorney.
ATTORNEY n. a person formally appointed to act for another in legal or business matters.
CERTAINTYcertainty n. The state of being certain.
certainty n. An instance of being certain.
certainty n. A fact or truth unquestionably established.
CONTRASTYcontrasty adj. (Photography, television) Having great contrast between light and dark areas (of a subject or photograph).
CONTRASTY adj. of eg a photograph, showing strong contrasts.
FANTASTRYfantastry n. Something fantastical.
FANTASTRY n. dandyism, also PHANTASTRY.
INTRACITYintracity adj. Within a city.
INTRACITY adj. between cities.
MATERNITYmaternity n. The state of being a mother; motherhood.
maternity n. The state of being pregnant; pregnancy.
maternity n. A ward or department in a hospital in which babies are born.
PATERNITYpaternity n. Fatherhood, being a father.
paternity n. Parental descent from a father.
paternity n. (Law) legal acknowledgement of a man’s fatherhood of a child.
TERNATELYternately adv. In a ternate manner.
TERNATE adv. with three leaflets.
THYRATRONthyratron n. (Electronics) Any of several types of thermoelectric valve once used as a high-speed switch.
THYRATRON n. a gas-filled valve with a heated cathode, able to carry very high currents.
TYRANTINGtyranting v. Present participle of tyrant.
TYRANT v. to play the oppressor, also TYRAN, TYRANNE.
ULTRATINYULTRATINY adj. very very tiny.
UNITARITYunitarity n. The quality or state of being unitary.
UNITARITY n. the quality of being unitary, forming a single or uniform entity.
YATTERINGyattering v. Present participle of yatter.
yattering n. Trivial talk; prattle.
YATTERING adj. jabbering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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