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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, N, R, S, T and Z

ATRAZINESatrazines n. Plural of atrazine.
ATRAZINE n. a kind of weedkiller.
BARTIZANSbartizans n. Plural of bartizan.
BARTIZAN n. a corner turret, also BARTISAN.
FRANZIESTFRANZY adj. (dialect) cross and peevish.
JAZERANTSjazerants n. Plural of jazerant.
JAZERANT n. (historical) a coat of mail made of small plates of metal sewed upon linen or the like, also JESSERANT.
NOTARIZESnotarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of notarize.
NOTARIZE v. to attest to as a notary, also NOTARISE.
PARTIZANSpartizans n. Plural of partizan.
PARTIZAN n. an adherent of a person, party or cause, also PARTISAN.
SANITIZERsanitizer n. Agent noun of sanitize; one who sanitizes; a product that provides a sanitized result.
sanitizer n. (Software) A program to detect errors in code, usually integrated into a compiler.
SANITIZER n. one who sanitises, also SANITISER.
STRAMAZONstramazon n. Alternative form of stramazoun.
STRAMAZON n. (obsolete) a downward cut in fencing, also ESTRAMAZONE, STRAMACON.
TRIAZINEStriazines n. Plural of triazine.
TRIAZINE n. a nitrogen compound used in herbicides, also TRIAZIN.
TZAREVNAStzarevnas n. Plural of tzarevna.
TZAREVNA n. (Russian) the proper title for the daughter of a czar, also CZAREVNA, TSAREVNA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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