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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, N, Q, 2T and U

ANTIQUATEantiquate v. (Transitive) To cause to become old or obsolete.
ANTIQUATE v. to make antique.
ANTIQUITYantiquity n. Ancient times; faraway history; former ages.
antiquity n. The people of ancient times.
antiquity n. (Obsolete) An old gentleman.
AQUATINTAaquatinta n. (Dated, art) aquatint.
AQUATINTA n. a print made by a method of etching having the effect of watercolour drawing, also AQUATINT.
AQUATINTSaquatints n. Plural of aquatint.
AQUATINT v. to etch using a certain process having the effect of watercolour drawing.
BANQUETTEbanquette n. (Military) A narrow area behind a defensive wall’s parapet elevated above its terreplein and used by…
banquette n. A bench built into a wall, especially (military) one built into a wall of a defensive trench, used for…
banquette n. An upholstered bench, e.g., along a wall of a restaurant or lounge area.
QUAINTESTquaintest adj. Superlative form of quaint: most quaint.
QUAINT adj. pleasantly odd, also QUEINT.
QUESTANTSquestants n. Plural of questant.
QUESTANT n. (Shakespeare) one who undertakes a quest, also QUESTER.
QUITTANCEquittance n. A release or acquittal.
quittance n. A discharge from a debt or obligation; a document that shows this discharge.
quittance n. (Obsolete) Recompense; return; repayment.
QUOTATIONquotation n. A fragment of a human expression that is repeated by somebody else, for example from literature or a famous speech.
quotation n. A price that has been quoted for buying or selling.
quotation n. The act of setting a price.
SQUATTINGsquatting n. The posture of one who squats.
squatting n. The act or general practice of occupying a building or land without the permission of the owner.
squatting v. Present participle of squat.
TOTAQUINEtotaquine n. Alternative form of totaquina.
TOTAQUINE n. a mixture of quinine and alkaloids used as an antimalarial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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