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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, N, 2O, P and Y

ACROPHONYacrophony n. The naming of letters in an alphabetic writing system using words whose initial sounds are represented…
ACROPHONY n. the use of a word starting with a letter of the alphabet as the name of the letter.
AUTOPHONYautophony n. The unusually loud hearing of a person’s own voice, breathing or other self-generated sounds.
autophony n. (Medicine) An auscultatory process which consists of noting the tone of the observer’s own voice, while…
AUTOPHONY n. apparent distortion of one's own voice due to infection or stoppage of ears.
CACOPHONYcacophony n. A mix of discordant sounds; dissonance.
CACOPHONY n. the harsh joining of sounds.
HYPONOIASHYPONOIA n. a dulled mental activity, also HYPONEA.
HYPOPNOEAhypopnoea n. Alternative spelling of hypopnea.
hypopnœa n. Alternative form of hypopnea.
HYPOPNOEA n. abnormally shallow breathing, also HYPOPNEA.
HYPOTONIAhypotonia n. An abnormal loss of muscle tone.
HYPOTONIA n. a hypnotic condition.
MANOSCOPYmanoscopy n. Manometry.
MANOSCOPY n. the measurement of the density of gases.
MONOPHAGYmonophagy n. The feeding on a single type of food (e.g., a single plant species).
MONOPHAGY n. the eating of one kind of food only.
PHONATORYphonatory adj. Relating to phonation.
PHONATORY adj. relating to phonation, the production of vocal sound.
POLYAXONSpolyaxons n. Plural of polyaxon.
POLYAXON n. a nerve cell with multiple branches.
POLYGONALpolygonal adj. Having many angles; hence characteristic of a polygon.
polygonal adj. Comprised of polygons.
POLYGONAL adj. like a polygon.
POLYTONALpolytonal adj. (Music) That uses two or more tonalities simultaneously.
POLYTONAL adj. of music, having many keys.
POLYZOANSpolyzoans n. Plural of polyzoan.
POLYZOAN n. a bryozoan, a moss or liverwort.
POLYZONALpolyzonal adj. Consisting of many zones or rings.
POLYZONAL adj. consisting of many zones or rings.
PROCARYONPROCARYON n. the nucleus of a blue-green alga, bacterium etc., also PROKARYON.
PROKARYONPROKARYON n. the nucleus of a blue-green alga, bacterium etc., also PROCARYON.
SPOONWAYSspoonways adv. Synonym of spoonwise.
SPOONWAYS adv. like spoons packed closely together, also SPOONWISE.
TAPHONOMYtaphonomy n. The study of the fate of the remains of organisms after they die, especially the study of fossilization.
TAPHONOMY n. the study or science of how plants and animals die, decay and become buried and fossilized.
TOPONYMALtoponymal adj. Toponymic.
TOPONYMAL adj. relating to toponymy, the study of place-names, also TOPONYMIC, TOPONYMICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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