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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, 2M, O, S and U

AMMONIUMSammoniums n. Plural of ammonium.
AMMONIUM n. the ion NH4+, which occurs in the salts formed by ammonia and in ammonia solutions.
GUMMATOUSgummatous adj. (Medicine) Belonging to, or resembling, gumma.
GUMMATOUS adj. of the nature of or resembling a gumma, a syphilitic sore.
MAMELUCOSmamelucos n. Plural of mameluco.
mamelucos n. Overalls.
MAMELUCO n. (Portuguese) a child born of a white father and Indian mother, also MAMELUKE, MAMLUK.
MAUSOLEUMmausoleum n. A large stately tomb or a building housing such a tomb or several tombs.
mausoleum n. (By extension) A gloomy, usually large room or building.
MAUSOLEUM n. (Latin) a large, stately tomb.
MOUSEMATSmousemats n. Plural of mousemat.
mouse␣mats n. Plural of mouse mat.
MOUSEMAT n. a piece of material on which a computer mouse is moved, also MOUSEPAD.
MYOMATOUSmyomatous adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a myoma.
MYOMATOUS adj. of or like a myoma, a tumor consisting of muscular tissue.
OMBUDSMANombudsman n. An appointed official whose duty is to investigate complaints, generally on behalf of individuals such…
ombudsman n. A designated internal mediator in an organization whose duty is to assist members with conflict resolution…
OMBUDSMAN n. (Swedish) a government official who investigates complaints against government departments.
SUMMATIONsummation n. Summarization; summary; summing up.
summation n. (Mathematics) summing; summing up; adding (adding up) of a series of items.
SUMMATION n. the act of summing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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