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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, 2M, N, R and S

ARMAMENTSarmaments n. Plural of armament.
ARMAMENT n. a military force equipped for war.
CRAMMINGScrammings n. Plural of cramming.
CRAMMING n. the act of stuffing full.
ENGRAMMASENGRAMMA n. a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAM, ENGRAMME.
ENGRAMMESengrammes n. Plural of engramme.
ENGRAMME n. a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAM, ENGRAMMA.
GAMMONERSgammoners n. Plural of gammoner.
GAMMONER n. one who misleads by deceptive talk.
GROOMSMANgroomsman n. A man who serves as one of a number of attendants to a bridegroom at a wedding, one of whom is the best man.
GROOMSMAN n. the attendant on a bridegroom.
MANNERISMmannerism n. A noticeable personal habit, a verbal or other (often, but not necessarily unconscious) habitual behavior…
mannerism n. Exaggerated or affected style in art, speech, or other behavior.
mannerism n. (Art, literature) In literature, an ostentatious and unnatural style of the second half of the sixteenth…
MEMBRANESmembranes n. Plural of membrane.
membranes n. (Medicine, informal, specifically) The amniotic sac.
MEMBRANE n. a thin, pliable layer of tissue.
MINIMARTSminimarts n. Plural of minimart.
mini-marts n. Plural of mini-mart.
MINIMART n. a small supermarket, convenience store, also MINIMARKET.
MONOGRAMSmonograms n. Plural of monogram.
monograms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monogram.
MONOGRAM v. to mark with one's initials.
MONOMARKSmonomarks n. Plural of monomark.
MONOMARK n. a particular combination of letters, figures etc. as a mark of identification.
MORTMAINSmortmains n. Plural of mortmain.
MORTMAIN n. (French) the perpetual ownership of property by institutions such as churches.
NOMOGRAMSnomograms n. Plural of nomogram.
nomograms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nomogram.
NOMOGRAM n. a chart or diagram of scaled lines or curves used to assist in mathematical calculations, also NOMOGRAPH.
SARMENTUMsarmentum n. (Botany) A runner.
SARMENTUM n. (Latin) a long whiplike runner, leafless except at the tip, also SARMENT.
SCRAMMINGscramming v. Present participle of scram.
SCRAM v. to leave quickly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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