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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, L, R, T, U and V

AVIRULENTavirulent adj. Not virulent.
AVIRULENT adj. of bacteria, not virulent.
CULTIVARScultivars n. Plural of cultivar.
CULTIVAR n. a variety of plant originating under cultivation, also CULTIGEN.
EVALUATORevaluator n. Agent noun of evaluate; one who evaluates.
EVALUATOR n. one who evaluates, also VALUATOR.
LUCRATIVElucrative adj. Producing a surplus; profitable.
lucrative adj. (Military) Of a target: worth attacking; whose destruction is militarily useful.
LUCRATIVE adj. yielding lucre; profitable.
OUTRIVALSoutrivals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outrival.
OUTRIVAL v. to outdo in rivalry.
OUTTRAVELouttravel v. (Transitive) To exceed in speed or distance travelled.
OUTTRAVEL v. to exceed in speed or distance traveled.
OVULATORYovulatory adj. Pertaining to ovulation; ovulating.
OVULATORY adj. relating to ovulation.
REVALUATErevaluate v. (Transitive) To make a new valuation or appraisal of.
REVALUATE v. to evaluate again.
REVICTUALrevictual v. (Transitive) To supply with fresh provisions.
REVICTUAL v. to victual again.
VALUATORSvaluators n. Plural of valuator.
VALUATOR n. an appraiser, also EVALUATOR.
VELATURASvelaturas n. Plural of velatura.
VELATURA n. (Italian) a method of glazing a painting by rubbing with the hand.
VICTUALERvictualer n. Alternative spelling of victualler.
VICTUALER n. one who furnishes victuals, also VICTUALLER.
VIRGULATEvirgulate adj. Shaped like a little twig or rod.
VIRGULATE adj. shaped like a little twig or rod.
VIRTUALLYvirtually adv. Almost but not quite.
virtually adv. Without exaggeration.
virtually adv. In essence, but not in fact.
VOLUNTARYvoluntary adj. Done, given, or acting of one’s own free will.
voluntary adj. Done by design or intention; intentional.
voluntary adj. Working or done without payment.
VULGARESTvulgarest adj. Superlative form of vulgar: most vulgar.
VULGAR adj. common.
VULGARITYvulgarity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being vulgar.
vulgarity n. (Countable) An offensive or obscene act or expression.
VULGARITY n. the state of being vulgar.
VULNERATEvulnerate v. (Archaic, transitive) To wound, cause to become vulnerable.
VULNERATE v. (obsolete) to wound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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