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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, L, O, 2S and V

AASVOGELSaasvogels n. Plural of aasvogel.
AASVOGEL n. (South African) a South African vulture.
ABSOLVERSabsolvers n. Plural of absolver.
ABSOLVER n. one who absolves.
AVULSIONSavulsions n. Plural of avulsion.
AVULSION n. the act of pulling away part of the body, either by injury or surgery.
FAVORLESSfavorless adj. Alternative form of favourless.
FAVORLESS adj. (US) without favor, also FAVOURLESS.
LOVESEATSloveseats n. Plural of loveseat.
love␣seats n. Plural of love seat.
LOVESEAT n. a small sofa for two persons.
OVERCLASSoverclass n. A powerful, privileged social class.
OVERCLASS n. a dominant group in society.
OVERSAILSoversails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oversail.
OVERSAIL v. to project.
OVERSALESoversales n. Plural of oversale.
OVERSALE n. the act of overselling.
OVERSALTSoversalts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oversalt.
OVERSALT v. to salt to excess.
SAVORLESSsavorless adj. Not having taste; flavorless.
SAVORLESS adj. without savor, also SAVOURLESS.
SOUVLAKISsouvlakis n. Plural of souvlaki.
SOUVLAKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish of lamb, similar to a shish kebab, also SOUVLAKIA.
VALORISESvalorises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of valorise.
VALORISE v. to establish and maintain the price of by government action, also VALORIZE.
VALVASSORvalvassor n. Alternative form of vavasour.
VALVASSOR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VAVASOR, VAVASOUR, VAVASSOR.
VOCALESESvocaleses n. Plural of vocalese.
VOCALESE n. a type of singing in which the singer improvises words to familiar instrumental solos.
VOCALISESvocalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vocalise.
VOCALISE v. to produce with the voice, also VOCALIZE.
VOCALISMSvocalisms n. Plural of vocalism.
VOCALISM n. the exercise of the vocal organs.
VOCALISTSvocalists n. Plural of vocalist.
VOCALIST n. a singer, as opposed to an instrumentalist.
VOCALNESSvocalness n. The quality of being vocal; outspokenness.
VOCALNESS n. the quality of being vocal.
VOLTAISMSVOLTAISM n. electricity produced by chemical action.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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