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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, L, O, 2R and Y

AURORALLYaurorally adv. In the dawn.
aurorally adv. With an aurora.
AURORAL adv. relating to the dawn, also AUROREAN.
CORIVALRYcorivalry n. Alternative form of corrivalry.
CORIVALRY n. rivalry.
COROLLARYcorollary n. A gift beyond what is actually due; an addition or superfluity.
corollary n. An a fortiori occurrence, as a result of another effort without significant additional effort.
corollary n. (Mathematics, logic) A proposition which follows easily from the proof of another proposition.
FORMULARYformulary n. A list of formulas; a collection of set forms to be followed, especially in religious belief.
formulary n. A pharmacopoeia or list of available drugs, particularly prescription drugs.
formulary n. (Healthcare) A list of drugs, created by health insurers, hospitals, or prescription drug plans, that…
FORWARDLYforwardly adv. In a forward manner.
FORWARD adv. towards the future.
FROWARDLYfrowardly adv. In a froward manner.
FROWARD adv. (archaic) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition.
LIBRATORYlibratory adj. Balancing; tending towards an equipoise.
LIBRATORY adj. balancing; moving like a balance, as it tends to an equipoise or level.
PERORALLYperorally adv. (Medicine) By way of the mouth.
PERORAL adv. occurring through the mouth.
PORTRAYALportrayal n. The act of portraying.
portrayal n. The result of portraying; a representation, description, or portrait.
PORTRAYAL n. the act of portraying.
PROLETARYproletary n. A proletarian.
PROLETARY n. a proletarian, also PROLETARIAN.
PYORRHEALpyorrheal adj. Relating to pyorrhea.
PYORRHEAL adj. relating to pyorrhea, suppuration in the sockets of the teeth, also PYORRHEIC, PYORRHOEAL, PYORRHOEIC.
PYROLATERpyrolater n. A fire-worshipper.
PYROLATER n. a fire-worshipper.
PYROLATRYpyrolatry n. The worship of fire.
PYROLATRY n. fire-worship.
ROARINGLYroaringly adv. With, or as if with, a roaring sound.
roaringly adv. With lively success.
ROARING adv. proceeding with very great activity or success.
ROSTRALLYrostrally adv. In a rostral direction.
rostrally adv. With regard to a rostrum (beak).
ROSTRAL adv. of or like a rostrum, a spike on prow of warship for ramming.
SORORALLYsororally adv. In a sororal manner; sisterly.
SORORAL adv. pertaining to sisters, also SORORIAL.
SURROYALSsurroyals n. Plural of surroyal.
SURROYAL n. the topmost prong of a stag's antler.
TRAITORLYtraitorly adj. Like a traitor; traitorous.
traitorly adv. (Obsolete) Traitorously.
TRAITORLY adj. (Shakespeare) traitorous.
WARLOCKRYwarlockry n. Wizardry; witchcraft.
WARLOCKRY n. sorcery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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