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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, L, M, N and 2T

ALLOTMENTallotment n. The act of allotting.
allotment n. Something allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed.
allotment n. (Law) The allowance of a specific amount of money or other credit of a particular thing to a particular person.
BLASTMENTblastment n. (Archaic) A sudden strike or injury; a pernicious thing.
BLASTMENT n. (Shakespeare) a blight.
CATTLEMANcattleman n. A man who raises or tends cattle.
CATTLEMAN n. one who raises cattle.
CATTLEMENcattlemen n. Plural of cattleman.
CATTLEMAN n. one who raises cattle.
LETTERMANletterman n. (US) A student who has attained a specified level of participation in a sporting or other activity…
Letterman prop.n. A surname from German.
LETTERMAN n. an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport.
MALTALENTmaltalent n. (Obsolete) Ill will; malice, malevolence.
MALTALENT n. (Spenser) ill-will.
MANTELETSmantelets n. Plural of mantelet.
MANTELET n. a mobile screen used to protect soldiers, also MANTLET.
MATUTINALmatutinal adj. Of, occurring in, or relating to the morning, especially the early morning upon waking up.
matutinal adj. Active in the morning; waking up early.
MATUTINAL adj. relating to or occurring in the morning, also MATUTINE.
MENTALISTmentalist adj. Of or relating to mentalism.
mentalist n. A practitioner of mentalism.
mentalist n. (UK, slang) An insane person.
MENTALITYmentality n. A mindset; a way of thinking; a set of beliefs.
mentality n. The characteristics of a mind described as a system of distinctive structures and processes based in…
MENTALITY n. mind, a way of thinking.
MILITANTSmilitants n. Plural of militant.
MILITANT n. one who is militant.
OUTMANTLEoutmantle v. (Transitive) To surpass in mantling or in splendour, as of dress.
OUTMANTLE v. (archaic) to exceed in dress or ornament.
STIMULANTstimulant n. (Pharmacology) A substance that acts to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body.
stimulant n. Something that promotes activity, interest, or enthusiasm.
stimulant adj. (Pharmacology) Acting as a stimulant.
TANTALISMtantalism n. A punishment like that of the mythological Tantalus; a teasing or tormenting by the hope or near approach…
TANTALISM n. the punishment of Tantalus; a tormenting.
TANTALUMStantalums n. Plural of tantalum.
TANTALUM n. an acid-resistant metallic element, useful for electronic and surgical parts.
TEGMENTALtegmental adj. Of or pertaining to tegmentum, or the ventral portion of the mesencephalon.
TEGMENTAL adj. relating to tegmenta, bud-scales.
TREMBLANTTREMBLANT adj. in jewellery, having the stones set on spring, to give a trembling effect.
TREMOLANTtremolant n. (Music) Alternative form of tremulant.
TREMOLANT n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect, also TREMOLO.
TREMULANTtremulant adj. Trembling, tremulous.
tremulant n. (Music) A mechanical component of a musical organ, designed to add vibration to the sounds produced by the instrument.
TREMULANT adj. tremulous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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