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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, L, M, 2N and U

ANNULMENTannulment n. An act or instance of annulling.
annulment n. The state of having been annulled.
annulment n. (Law) An invalidation of something, especially a legal contract.
CULMINANTculminant adj. Being vertical, or at the highest point of altitude.
culminant adj. (By extension) predominant.
CULMINANT adj. at its highest point.
EUMELANINeumelanin n. A dark brown pigment related to melanin.
EUMELANIN n. any melanin pigment of darker type.
FULMINANTfulminant adj. That fulminates.
fulminant adj. (Especially medicine) Appearing quickly and with destructive effects.
fulminant n. A thunderbolt.
INHUMANLYinhumanly adv. In an inhuman manner.
INHUMAN adv. lacking desirable human qualities.
LANTHANUMlanthanum n. (Uncountable) A chemical element (symbol La) with an atomic number of 57: a soft, ductile, silvery-white…
lanthanum n. (Countable) An atom of this element.
LANTHANUM n. a rare element of the group of the earth metals, allied to aluminium.
LUMINANCEluminance n. The quality of being luminous.
luminance n. The amount of light that passes through, is emitted, or is reflected from a particular area, and falls…
luminance n. The luminous flux emitted in a given direction divided by the product of the projected area of the source…
LUMINANTSluminants n. Plural of luminant.
LUMINANT n. a means of lighting.
MUNDANELYmundanely adv. In a mundane manner.
mundanely adv. In a worldly manner.
MUNDANE adv. ordinary, banal.
NONMANUALnonmanual adj. Not manual.
NONMANUAL adj. not manual.
NONMUTUALnonmutual adj. Not mutual.
NONMUTUAL adj. not mutual.
UNHUMANLYunhumanly adv. In an unhuman manner.
UNHUMAN adv. not human.
UNMANACLEunmanacle v. (Transitive) To release from manacles.
UNMANACLE v. to free from manacles.
UNMANLIERunmanlier adj. Comparative form of unmanly: more unmanly.
UNMANLY adj. not manly.
UNMANLIKEunmanlike adj. Not manlike.
UNMANLIKE adj. not like a man.
UNMANTLEDunmantled adj. Without a mantle.
UNMANTLE v. to remove the mantle from.
UNMANTLESunmantles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unmantle.
UNMANTLE v. to remove the mantle from.
UNNAMABLEunnamable adj. Alternative spelling of unnameable.
UNNAMABLE adj. not capable of being named, also UNNAMEABLE.
UNWOMANLYunwomanly adj. Not womanly; unfeminine.
unwomanly adv. In a manner unbecoming a woman.
UNWOMANLY adj. not proper to a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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