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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, 2L, S and 2T

ALLOTTEESallottees n. Plural of allottee.
ALLOTTEE n. one to whom something is allotted.
ALLOTTERSallotters n. Plural of allotter.
ALLOTTER n. one who allots.
ATTOLLENSATTOLLENS adj. (Latin) of a muscle, that raises, also ATTOLLENT.
FOOTSTALLfootstall n. The stirrup of a woman’s saddle.
footstall n. (Architecture) The plinth or base of a pillar.
FOOTSTALL n. a pedestal or plinth.
LACTITOLSLACTITOL n. an artificial sweetener.
LITTORALSlittorals n. Plural of littoral.
LITTORAL n. a shore region.
METALLISTmetallist n. (Metallurgy) A person who works with metals.
metallist n. (Economics) An advocate of metal coinage as the principal or sole currency.
metallist n. A metaller: a fan of the metal music genre.
PALLETTESpallettes n. Plural of pallette.
PALLETTE n. a piece of armour protecting the armpit.
PLANTLETSplantlets n. Plural of plantlet.
PLANTLET n. a small plant, also PLANTLING.
PLATELETSplatelets n. Plural of platelet.
PLATELET n. a minute particle in blood, concerned in clotting.
SATELLITEsatellite n. A moon or other smaller body orbiting a larger one.
satellite n. A man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body, generally to relay information…
satellite n. A country, state, office, building etc. which is under the jurisdiction, influence, or domination of another body.
SITTELLASsittellas n. Plural of sittella.
SITTELLA n. a small black-and-white bird, also SITELLA.
STATELILYstatelily adv. In a stately manner.
STATELY adv. dignified.
STELLATEDstellated adj. Star-shaped; stellate.
stellated adj. (Geometry) Of a polyhedron, having its edges or planes extended to form a new shape.
STELLATED adj. star-shaped; starry, also STELLATE.
TALLIATEStalliates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of talliate.
TALLIATE v. to lay a tallage upon.
TALLITHEStallithes n. Plural of tallith.
TALLITH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLIS, TALLIT.
TELLTALEStelltales n. Plural of telltale.
tell-tales n. Plural of tell-tale.
tell␣tales v. (Idiomatic) To lie, to be making false claims.
TOLLGATEStollgates n. Plural of tollgate.
TOLLGATE v. to block a business deal pending the payment of a bribe.
TORTILLAStortillas n. Plural of tortilla.
TORTILLA n. (Spanish) an unleavened cake, as of maize flour, baked on a heated iron or stone.
TRIALLISTtriallist n. Alternative form of trialist.
TRIALLIST n. a person taking part in a trial or test, also TRIALIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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