APHYLLOUS | • aphyllous adj. (Botany) Having no leaves; leafless. • APHYLLOUS adj. without leaves. |
AURORALLY | • aurorally adv. In the dawn. • aurorally adv. With an aurora. • AURORAL adv. relating to the dawn, also AUROREAN. |
CALLOUSLY | • callously adv. In a callous manner; done without regard to others’ sensitivities. • CALLOUS adv. unfeeling. |
COEQUALLY | • coequally adv. In a coequal manner. • COEQUAL adv. equal in rank or power. |
HUMORALLY | • humorally adv. In terms of, or by means of, the bodily fluids or humours. • HUMORAL adv. of diseases, caused by or attributed to a disordered state of body fluids or (formerly) the bodily humours. |
JEALOUSLY | • jealously adv. In a jealous manner. • JEALOUS adv. resentful of another's advantages, also GEALOUS. |
JOCULARLY | • jocularly adv. In a jocular manner; humorously. • JOCULAR adv. given to joking. |
LOBULARLY | • lobularly adv. In a lobular manner. • LOBULAR adv. shaped like a lobe. |
MOANFULLY | • moanfully adv. In a moanful manner. • MOANFUL adv. full of moaning; expressing sorrow. |
MODULARLY | • modularly adv. In a modular manner. • MODULAR adv. pertaining to a module. |
MULLOWAYS | • mulloways n. Plural of mulloway. • MULLOWAY n. (Native Australian) a large Australian fish. |
PARLOUSLY | • parlously adv. In a parlous way. • PARLOUS adv. perilous, also PERICULOUS, PERILOUS, PERLOUS. |
POPULARLY | • popularly adv. In a popular manner. • POPULAR adv. well-liked. |
SPOUSALLY | • spousally adv. As, or in terms of, a spouse. • SPOUSAL adv. nuptial. |
UNALLOYED | • unalloyed adj. (Of metal) Not alloyed; not in mixture with other metals; pure. • unalloyed adj. Complete and unreserved; pure; unadulterated; not restricted, modified, or qualified by reservations. • UNALLOYED adj. not alloyed. |
UNMORALLY | • UNMORAL adv. lacking a sense of right and wrong. |
UNROYALLY | • unroyally adv. In a way that is not royal, or does not befit royalty. • UNROYAL adv. not royal. |
UXORIALLY | • uxorially adv. In an uxorial fashion. • UXORIAL adv. of or relating to a wife. |
ZEALOUSLY | • zealously adv. Like a zealot; with zealotry. • ZEALOUS adv. filled with zeal. |