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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, 2L, 2N and S

BALLONNESBALLONNE n. (French) a kind of ballet jump.
LANDLINESlandlines n. Plural of landline.
land␣lines n. Plural of land line.
LANDLINE n. a line of communication on land.
LANOLINESlanolines n. Plural of lanoline.
LANOLINE n. a fatty substance obtained from wool, also LANOLIN.
LINKSLANDlinksland n. (Britain) A coastal zone of topsoil-covered sand between the beach sand and mainland soil.
linksland n. (Golf) A golf course near the sea, particularly one with terrain resembling linksland.
LINKSLAND n. land near the sea used for golf.
NAINSELLSNAINSELL n. (Scots) one's own self, also AINSELL.
NONLOCALSnonlocals n. Plural of nonlocal.
NONLOCAL n. one that is not local.
SYNCLINALsynclinal adj. (Chemistry) Describing a torsion angle between 30° and 90°.
synclinal adj. Inclined downward from opposite directions, so as to meet in a common point or line.
synclinal adj. (Geology) Formed by strata dipping toward a common line or plane.
UNINSTALLuninstall v. (Computing) To completely remove hardware or software from a computer system.
uninstall n. (Computing) An uninstallation process.
UNINSTALL v. to remove a program from a storage device, also UNINSTAL.
VANILLINSvanillins n. Plural of vanillin.
VANILLIN n. a white crystalline aldehyde having a burning taste and characteristic odor of vanilla, extracted from vanilla pods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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