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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2L, M, N and O

ALLOMONESallomones n. Plural of allomone.
ALLOMONE n. a chemical substance secreted by certain insects that affects other species detrimentally.
ALLOTMENTallotment n. The act of allotting.
allotment n. Something allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed.
allotment n. (Law) The allowance of a specific amount of money or other credit of a particular thing to a particular person.
COLUMNALScolumnals n. Plural of columnal.
COLUMNAL n. a circular disklike section of the stem of a crinoid.
FELLOWMANfellowman n. Alternative spelling of fellow man.
fellow␣man n. A kindred member of humanity.
FELLOWMAN n. a human being like oneself.
LOGNORMALlognormal adj. (Mathematics) Describing a logarithmic function that has a normal distribution.
lognormal n. A logarithmic function that has a normal distribution.
LOGNORMAL adj. relating to or being a normal distribution that is the distribution of the logarithm of a random variable.
MANZELLOSmanzellos n. Plural of manzello.
MANZELLO n. a musical instrument like the soprano saxophone.
MATFELLONMATFELLON n. the greater knapweed, also MATFELON.
MEDAILLONmedaillon n. (Cooking) Synonym of medallion.
MEDAILLON n. (French) a small round or oval serving, as of meat.
MEDALLIONmedallion n. A large medal, usually decorative.
medallion n. A cut of meat resembling a medallion.
medallion n. (Art) A usually round or oval frame (often made of stucco) containing a decoration.
MOANFULLYmoanfully adv. In a moanful manner.
MOANFUL adv. full of moaning; expressing sorrow.
MOLLUSCANmolluscan adj. Pertaining to molluscs.
molluscan n. A mollusc.
MOLLUSCAN adj. related to the mollusc family.
MOLLUSKANmolluskan adj. (Rare) Alternative spelling of molluscan.
MOLLUSKAN adj. related to the mollusc family.
MOLLUSKAN n. a member of the mollusc family, also MOLLUSCAN.
MORALLINGmoralling v. Present participle of moral.
MORAL v. (archaic) to moralize.
NOMINALLYnominally adv. In a nominal manner; in name only.
nominally adv. Slightly.
nominally adv. As a noun.
SLALOMINGslaloming v. Present participle of slalom.
SLALOM v. (Norwegian) to ski in a zigzag course.
UNMORALLYUNMORAL adv. lacking a sense of right and wrong.
VOLUMINALvoluminal adj. Of or pertaining to volume, the measurement of three-dimensional space.
VOLUMINAL adj. pertaining to volume or cubic capacity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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