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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, K, 2N, R and S

CRANKNESScrankness n. (Nautical) Liability to be overset; said of a ship or other vessel.
crankness n. Sprightliness; health; vigour.
CRANKNESS n. liability to be capsize.
CRANKPINScrankpins n. Plural of crankpin.
CRANKPIN n. the handle of a crank.
FINNMARKSFinnmarks n. Plural of Finnmark.
FINNMARK n. the monetary unit of Finland, also FINMARK.
FRANKLINSfranklins n. Plural of franklin.
Franklins prop.n. Plural of Franklin.
Franklins n. Plural of Franklin.
FRANKNESSfrankness n. The state of being frank; candour; honesty.
FRANKNESS n. the quality of being frank.
GENNAKERSgennakers n. Plural of gennaker.
GENNAKER n. a type of sail for boats.
NINEBARKSninebarks n. Plural of ninebark.
NINEBARK n. a flowering shrub.
NONSKATERnonskater n. One who is not a skater.
NONSKATER n. one who is not a skater.
PRANKINGSprankings n. Plural of pranking.
PRANKING n. colourful adornment.
SPINNAKERspinnaker n. (Nautical) A sail supplemental to the mainsail, especially a triangular one, used on yachts for running…
spinnaker v. (Nautical) To sail using a spinnaker.
SPINNAKER n. a large triangular sail opposite the mainsail.
SYNKARYONsynkaryon n. (Biology) A cell nucleus formed by the fusion of two preexisting nuclei (such as in an egg and a sperm cell).
SYNKARYON n. the nucleus of a fertilized egg.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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