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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, I, 3S and V

ABESSIVESabessives n. Plural of abessive.
ABESSIVE n. a grammatical case denoting absence or lack.
ADESSIVESadessives n. Plural of adessive.
ADESSIVE n. a grammatical case indicating place where or proximity to.
ASSISTIVEassistive adj. Providing or designed to provide assistance, especially to persons with a disability.
ASSISTIVE adj. providing a means of reducing a physical impairment.
ASSUASIVEassuasive adj. Mild, soothing.
assuasive n. (Archaic) Anything that soothes.
ASSUASIVE adj. mitigating, soothing.
DISSAVERSdissavers n. Plural of dissaver.
DISSAVER n. one who dissaves.
JIVEASSESjive-asses n. Plural of jive-ass.
JIVEASS n. (colloquial) a person who loves fun and excitement.
PASSIVISMpassivism n. The quality or principle of being passive.
PASSIVISM n. the doctrine of being passive.
PASSIVISTpassivist n. One who adopts a passive approach, or passivism.
PASSIVIST n. one who believes in passivism, the doctrine of being passive.
PIASSAVASpiassavas n. Plural of piassava.
PIASSAVA n. (Tupi) a coarse, stiff fibre, also PIASABA, PIASAVA, PIASSABA.
SAVAGISMSsavagisms n. Plural of savagism.
SAVAGISM n. the state of being savage, also SAVAGEDOM.
SAVVINESSsavviness n. Shrewdness; common sense.
SAVVINESS n. the quality of being savvy.
SVASTIKASsvastikas n. Plural of svastika.
SVASTIKA n. (Sanskrit) a Greek cross with arms bent at a right angle, also SWASTICA, SWASTIKA.
VAINESSESVAINESSE n. (Spenser) vanity, futility, also VAINNESS.
VANESSIDSvanessids n. Plural of vanessid.
VANESSID n. a butterfly of the red admiral genus Vanessa, also VANESSA.
VASSALISEvassalise v. Alternative spelling of vassalize.
VASSALISE v. to reduce to the status of a vassal, also VASSALIZE.
VISAGISTSvisagists n. Plural of visagist.
VISAGIST n. an expert in facial makeup.
VISTALESSvistaless adj. Without a vista.
VISTALESS adj. without a vista.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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