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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, I, R, 2T and W

MICROWATTmicrowatt n. One millionth (10-6) of a watt, abbreviated as μW.
micro-watt n. One millionth ( 10-6 ) of a watt, abbreviated as µW.
MICROWATT n. a millionth of a watt.
STRAWIESTSTRAWY adj. resembling straw.
SWARTIESTSWARTY adj. (obsolete) black, dusky, also SWART, SWARTHY.
TAILWATERtailwater n. The water located immediately downstream from a hydraulic structure, such as a dam, bridge, or culvert.
TAILWATER n. water below a dam or waterpower development.
TAWDRIESTtawdriest adj. Superlative form of tawdry: most tawdry.
TAWDRY adj. cheap, trashy.
THWARTINGthwarting v. Present participle of thwart.
thwarting n. An instance of blocking or obstructing.
THWARTING adj. obstructive.
TIDEWATERtidewater n. Water affected by the flow of the tide, especially tidal streams.
tidewater n. The seaboard.
Tidewater prop.n. A coastal region of Virginia and Maryland.
WATERIESTwateriest adj. Superlative form of watery: most watery.
WATERY adj. like water.
WHITTAWERwhittawer n. Alternative form of whittaw.
WHITTAWER n. (dialect) a saddler or harness-maker; a maker of white leather, also WHITTAW.
WRATHIESTwrathiest adj. Superlative form of wrathy: most wrathy.
WRATHY adj. inclined to wrath.
WRITATIVEwritative adj. (Archaic) Inclined to much writing.
WRITATIVE adj. characterized by an inclination to write.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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