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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, I, 2P, S and U

APPLIQUESappliques n. Plural of applique.
appliques v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of applique.
appliqués n. Plural of appliqué.
APPULSIVEappulsive adj. Striking against; impinging.
APPULSIVE adj. relating to an appulse, the close approach of a planet or asteroid to a star without the occurrence of an eclipse.
DISPAUPERdispauper v. (Transitive) To deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support; to deprive of the privilege of suing…
DISPAUPER v. to deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support.
EUPEPSIASEUPEPSIA n. a good digestion, also EUPEPSY.
PAPILLOUSpapillous adj. Alternative form of papillose.
PAPILLOUS adj. covered with papules or papillae, also PAPILLOSE.
PAUPERISEpauperise v. Alternative spelling of pauperize.
PAUPERISE v. to reduce to pauperism; as, to pauperise the peasantry, also PAUPERIZE.
PAUPERISMpauperism n. The state of being a pauper; poverty.
PAUPERISM n. the state of being a pauper.
PERIPATUSperipatus n. (Zoology) Any onychophoran of the genus Peripatus.
Peripatus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Peripatidae – the onychophorans.
PERIPATUS n. a member of the genus Peripatus, having both arthropod and annelid characteristics.
PIPSQUEAKpipsqueak n. Alternative spelling of pip-squeak.
pip-squeak n. A small and insignificant person.
PIPSQUEAK n. something or someone contemptible.
PRIAPUSESpriapuses n. Plural of priapus.
PRIAPUS n. (Greek) a representation of the phallus.
PUPATIONSpupations n. Plural of pupation.
PUPATION n. the act of becoming a pupa.
PUPILAGESpupilages n. Plural of pupilage.
PUPILAGE n. the state of being a pupil.
SUPPLIALSSUPPLIAL n. the act of supplying.
SUPPLIANTsuppliant adj. Entreating with humility.
suppliant adj. Supplying; auxiliary.
suppliant n. One who pleads or requests earnestly.
SUPPLICATsupplicat n. (UK, historical, universities) A petition, especially a written one, with a certificate that the conditions…
SUPPLICAT n. in English universities, a petition.
UNHAPPIESunhappies n. Plural of unhappy.
UNHAPPY v. (Shakespeare) to make unhappy.
UPMANSHIPupmanship n. Only used in one-upmanship.
UPMANSHIP n. the art of gaining some kind of advantage over others.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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