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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, I, O, R, U and Y

AUTHORITYauthority n. (Uncountable) Power or right to make or enforce rules or give orders; or a position having such power or right.
authority n. (In the plural) Persons, regarded collectively, who occupy official positions of power; police or law enforcement.
authority n. (Countable) A reliable, definitive source of information on a subject.
CAUTIONRYcautionry n. (Scotland, law) suretyship.
CAUTIONRY n. in Scots law, the act of giving security for another.
DUOBINARYduobinary adj. (Telecommunications) Being, or pertaining to, a bipolar encoding in which the ones are represented alternately…
DUOBINARY adj. denoting a communications system for coding digital data.
POLYURIASpolyurias n. Plural of polyuria.
POLYURIA n. excessive urination.
SAVOURILYsavourily adv. In a savory manner; with a pleasing relish.
savourily adv. With gusto or appetite; heartily; with relish.
SAVOURY adv. pleasant to the taste or smell, also SAVORY.
UROPYGIALuropygial adj. (Ornithology) Of or pertaining to the uropygium; on the rump.
UROPYGIAL adj. of or pertaining to the uropygium, or prominence at the base of the tail feathers, in birds.
UXORIALLYuxorially adv. In an uxorial fashion.
UXORIAL adv. of or relating to a wife.
VARIOUSLYvariously adv. In various ways; diversely.
VARIOUS adv. of diverse kinds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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