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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, I, N, 2O and Y

AMNIOTOMYamniotomy n. (Medicine) An artificial rupture of membranes to induce or accelerate labour.
AMNIOTOMY n. surgical removal of the amnion.
AMYOTONIAamyotonia n. Lack of normal muscular tension or tonus, especially when congenital.
AMYOTONIA n. deficiency of muscle tone.
ANGIOLOGYangiology n. The branch of anatomy dealing with blood vessels and lymphatics.
ANGIOLOGY n. the branch of medical science concerned with blood vessels and the lymphatic system.
HOORAYINGhooraying v. Present participle of hooray.
HOORAY v. to shout hooray, also HOORAH, HURRA, HURRAH, HURRAY.
HYPONOIASHYPONOIA n. a dulled mental activity, also HYPONEA.
HYPOTONIAhypotonia n. An abnormal loss of muscle tone.
HYPOTONIA n. a hypnotic condition.
MYOTONIASmyotonias n. Plural of myotonia.
MYOTONIA n. muscular spasm or rigidity.
OXYANIONSoxyanions n. Plural of oxyanion.
OXYANION n. an anion containing one or more oxygen atoms bonded to another element (as in the sulphate and carbonate ions).
YAKIMONOSYAKIMONO n. (Japanese) in Japanese cookery, grilled food, a grilled dish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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