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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, I, M, P, R and U

DREPANIUMdrepanium n. (Botany) A helicoid cyme whose successive pedicels are aligned on the same plane.
DREPANIUM n. a kind of cymose inflorescence.
GRAPHIUMSgraphiums n. Plural of graphium.
GRAPHIUM n. (Latin) a stylus.
MANIPULARmanipular adj. Of or relating to a maniple (Roman army division).
manipular adj. Manipulatory.
manipular adj. Manipulative.
MARSUPIALmarsupial n. A mammal of which the female has a pouch in which it rears its young, which are born immature, through…
marsupial adj. Of or pertaining to a marsupial.
marsupial adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to a marsupium.
MARSUPIANmarsupian n. (Obsolete) marsupial.
MARSUPIAN n. a pouched mammal, also MARSUPIAL.
MARSUPIUMmarsupium n. The external pouch in which female marsupials rear and feed the young.
marsupium n. A brood pouch in some fishes, crustaceans and insects in the family Monophlebidae.
MARSUPIUM n. (Latin) the pouch, formed by a fold of the skin of the abdomen, in which marsupials carry their young.
MULTIPARAmultipara n. A woman who has given birth to more than one child.
MULTIPARA n. a mother of two or more children, also PLURIPARA.
MULTIPARTmultipart adj. Having multiple parts.
multipart adj. (Computing) of computer printout that is printed in multiple copies on paper having two or four continuous…
MULTIPART adj. having many parts.
PASTORIUMpastorium n. (US, Southern US) A parsonage, in some Baptist churches.
PASTORIUM n. the residence of a pastor.
PAUPERISMpauperism n. The state of being a pauper; poverty.
PAUPERISM n. the state of being a pauper.
PERINAEUMperinaeum n. Alternative spelling of perineum.
perinæum n. Obsolete typography of perinaeum.
PERINAEUM n. the lower part of the body between the genital organs and the anus, also PERINEUM.
PLUMERIASplumerias n. Plural of plumeria.
PLUMERIA n. a flowering shrub, aka frangipani.
PLURALISMpluralism n. The quality or state of being plural, or in the plural number.
pluralism n. (Ecclesiastical) The state of a pluralist; the holding of more than one ecclesiastical living at a time.
pluralism n. (Sociology) A social system that permits smaller groups within a society to maintain their individual…
PRACTICUMpracticum n. (US) A college course designed to give a student supervised practical knowledge of a subject previously…
practicum n. (US) A science exam in which students are questioned about specimens or other objects placed in front of them.
PRACTICUM n. (Latin) a course of practical work undertaken to implement academic studies.
SEPTARIUMseptarium n. (Geology) A flattened concretionary nodule, usually of limestone, intersected within by cracks which…
SEPTARIUM n. a nodule of mineral substance with a network of cracks filled with another mineral.
TRAPEZIUMtrapezium n. (Geometry, Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A quadrilateral with two sides parallel.
trapezium n. (Geometry, US, dated) A four-sided polygon with no parallel sides and no sides equal; a simple convex…
trapezium n. (Anatomy) The trapezium bone of the wrist.
TRIUMPHALtriumphal adj. Of, relating to, or being a triumph.
triumphal adj. That celebrates or commemorates a triumph or victory.
triumphal n. (Obsolete) A token of victory.
UMPIRAGESumpirages n. Plural of umpirage.
UMPIRAGE n. the function of an umpire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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