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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, I, L, N and 2R

AIRLINERSairliners n. Plural of airliner.
AIRLINER n. a large passenger aircraft.
BAIRNLIERBAIRNLY adj. like a bairn, a child.
BARRELINGbarreling v. Present participle of barrel.
barreling n. (Mechanical engineering) A defect in which a testpiece is deformed into a barrel-like shape.
barreling n. Synonym of barrel distortion.
CARNAROLIcarnaroli n. A medium-grain variety of rice from around Pavia, used especially in risottos.
CARNAROLI n. (Italian) a variety of short-grained rice used for risotto.
HARDLINERhardliner n. Alternative spelling of hard-liner.
hard-liner n. A person who takes a firm, uncompromising position on some policy.
HARDLINER n. one who takes a hardline.
INERRABLEinerrable adj. Incapable of error; infallible, unerring.
INERRABLE adj. incapable of erring; infallible.
INERRABLYinerrably adv. Free from error; infallibly; unerringly.
INERRABLE adv. incapable of erring; infallible.
INTERLARDinterlard v. Bloat or embellish (something) by including (often minor and extraneous) details at regular intervals.
INTERLARD v. to place lard or bacon amongst; to mix, as fat meat with lean.
INTERRAILinterrail v. To travel using the InterRail rail pass.
INTERRAIL v. to travel between cities by train.
JARRINGLYjarringly adv. In a jarring manner.
JARRING adv. harshly discordant.
LARRIGANSlarrigans n. Plural of larrigan.
LARRIGAN n. a long boot made of oiled leather, worn by lumbermen etc., also LARIGAN.
LARRIKINSlarrikins n. Plural of larrikin.
LARRIKIN n. (Australian slang) a hoodlum, a rowdy.
LARRUPINGlarruping v. Present participle of larrup.
larruping n. A beating; a thrashing.
LARRUP v. to flog or thrash.
LIBRARIANlibrarian n. The keeper, manager of a library.
librarian n. One who cares for the publications, files etc. in a library, whether staff or volunteer.
librarian n. A person who processes and organizes information.
RERAILINGrerailing v. Present participle of rerail.
RERAILING n. the act of replacing on the rails.
RETINULARretinular adj. Of or relating to the retinula.
RETINULAR adj. relating to the retinula, a pigmented cell in some arthropod compound eyes, from which the rhabdom arises.
ROARINGLYroaringly adv. With, or as if with, a roaring sound.
roaringly adv. With lively success.
ROARING adv. proceeding with very great activity or success.
TRILINEARtrilinear adj. Having, or bounded by, three lines.
trilinear n. (Mathematics) A triple (x, y, z) of the algebraic distances of a point to each side of a surrounding triangle.
TRILINEAR adj. of, pertaining to, or included by, three lines; as, trilinear coordinates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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