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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, I, K, S, T and U

ANTINUKESantinukes n. Plural of antinuke.
ANTINUKE n. a person opposed to the use of nuclear weapons or nuclear energy, also ANTINUKER.
AUTARKIESautarkies n. Plural of autarky.
AUTARKY n. a policy of national self-sufficiency and non-reliance on imports or economic aid.
AUTARKISTautarkist n. A proponent of autarky.
AUTARKIST n. one who is autarkic, self-sufficient.
BAULKIESTbaulkiest adj. Superlative form of baulky: most baulky.
BAULKY adj. stubborn.
BUCKTAILSbucktails n. Plural of bucktail.
BUCKTAIL n. a fishing lure.
DUCKTAILSducktails n. Plural of ducktail.
DUCKTAIL n. (US) a style of haircut.
JAKFRUITSjakfruits n. Plural of jakfruit.
JAKFRUIT n. an East Indian tree of the breadfruit family, also JACKFRUIT, JAK.
KALUMPITSKALUMPIT n. (Tagalog) a Philippine tree of the myrobalan genus; its edible fruit.
MAULSTICKmaulstick n. (Art) A short stick with a pad on one end, used by a painter to steady their hand, and to prevent it…
MAULSTICK n. (Dutch) a stick used by painters to steady the hand, also MAHLSTICK, MALSTICK.
MULTITASKmultitask v. (Computing) To schedule and execute multiple tasks (program) simultaneously; control being passed from…
multitask v. (Figuratively, of a person) To handle multiple tasks at once.
MULTITASK v. to work at several different tasks simultaneously.
MUZAKIESTMUZAKY adj. cheap and sentimental.
OUTASKINGoutasking v. Present participle of outask.
OUTASK v. to surpass in asking.
PATUTUKISPATUTUKI n. (New Zealand) the blue cod.
QUACKIESTquackiest adj. Superlative form of quacky: most quacky.
QUACKY adj. resembling the cry of a duck.
TRACKSUITtracksuit n. A garment, usually consisting of a top and trousers (commonly known as tracksuit bottoms) worn as an…
track␣suit n. Alternative form of tracksuit.
TRACKSUIT n. a loose warm suit intended to be worn by athletes when warming up or training.
ZIKKURATSzikkurats n. Plural of zikkurat.
ZIKKURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIGGURAT, ZIKURAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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