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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, I, K, O, P and R

AEROSPIKEaerospike n. Any of several forms of rocket engine having specialized nozzles.
aerospike n. A spike, protruding from the nose cone of a missile, designed to decrease supersonic drag.
AEROSPIKE n. a rocket engine with a specially designed nozzle that allows the exhaust gases to expand and so to be used most efficiently.
APRICOCKSapricocks n. Plural of apricock.
APRICOCK n. (obsolete) an apricot, also ABRICOCK.
APRONLIKEapronlike adj. Resembling an apron.
APRONLIKE adj. like an apron.
PAINTWORKpaintwork n. The painted surface of a car, building, etc.
PAINTWORK n. painted fixtures in a building; painted surfaces on a vehicle.
PERIAKTOIperiaktoi n. Plural of periaktos.
periaktoi n. A device for changing scenery in a theatre. A row of adjacent, three-sided columns form a backdrop to…
PERIAKTOS n. (Greek) in the ancient Greek theatre, a tall revolving prism at the side of the stage, projecting a variety of backdrops.
PERIAKTOSperiaktos n. (Historical) A revolving structure used to change scenes rapidly in a theatre: a tall prism-shaped frame…
PERIAKTOS n. (Greek) in the ancient Greek theatre, a tall revolving prism at the side of the stage, projecting a variety of backdrops.
PEROVSKIAperovskia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Perovskia of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae.
PEROVSKIA n. a genus of hardy deciduous shrubs of the Labiatae family.
PICKAROONpickaroon n. Archaic form of picaroon.
PICKAROON n. (Spanish) a pirate ship, also PICAROON.
PLAINWORKplainwork n. Alternative form of plain work.
plain␣work n. Basic, non-ornamental work; specifically (now (historical)) simple needlework.
plain␣work n. (Masonry) Smooth stonework without decoration or ornamentation.
VAPORLIKEvaporlike adj. Resembling vapor; vaporous, misty.
VAPORLIKE adj. like vapor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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