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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, P, T and V

APERITIVEaperitive adj. (Medicine) Tending to open the bowels; aperient.
aperitive adj. Serving as an apéritif: a pre-meal alcoholic drink.
aperitive n. (Medicine) aperient.
CAPTIVINGcaptiving v. Present participle of captive.
CAPTIVE v. to make a prisoner.
CAPTIVITYcaptivity n. The state of being captive.
captivity n. (Obsolete) A group of people/beings captive.
captivity n. The state or period of being imprisoned, confined, or enslaved.
IMPACTIVEimpactive adj. Of, pertaining to, possessing, or caused by impact.
IMPACTIVE adj. relating to impact.
OVIPARITYoviparity n. The condition of being oviparous.
OVIPARITY n. the production of offspring via eggs.
PARTITIVEpartitive adj. That divides something into parts.
partitive adj. (Grammar) Indicating a part rather than the whole of something.
partitive n. (Grammar) A partitive word, phrase or case.
PASSIVISTpassivist n. One who adopts a passive approach, or passivism.
PASSIVIST n. one who believes in passivism, the doctrine of being passive.
PASSIVITYpassivity n. The state of being passive.
passivity n. Submissiveness.
passivity n. A lack of initiative.
PLAINTIVEplaintive adj. Sounding sorrowful, mournful or melancholic.
PLAINTIVE adj. mournful, querulous.
PRAVITIESpravities n. Plural of pravity.
PRAVITY n. wickedness.
PRIVATIONprivation n. (Philosophy) The state of being deprived of or lacking an attribute formerly or properly possessed;…
privation n. The state of being very poor, and lacking the basic necessities of life.
privation n. The act of depriving someone of such basic necessities; deprivation.
PRIVATISEprivatise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of privatize.
PRIVATISE v. to transfer from ownership by the state into private ownership; to denationalize, also PRIVATIZE.
PRIVATISMprivatism n. Concern only with issues inasmuch as they affect one as an individual; self-interest.
PRIVATISM n. a tendency to be concerned with ideas, matters, etc. only as affecting one as an individual.
PRIVATISTPRIVATIST n. one who believes in privatism.
PRIVATIVEprivative adj. Causing privation; depriving.
privative adj. Consisting in the absence of something; negative.
privative adj. (Grammar) indicating the absence of something.
PRIVATIZEprivatize v. (Economics) To release government control (of a business or industry) to private industry.
privatize v. (Computing, transitive) To make (A variable, etc.) private in scope.
PRIVATIZE v. to transfer from ownership by the state into private ownership; to denationalize, also PRIVATISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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