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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, 2M and T

AMMONITICammonitic adj. Relating to, or containing, ammonites.
AMMONITIC adj. of or like an ammonite, a type of fossil.
ANIMATISManimatism n. (Anthropology) The belief that everything is pervaded with a life-force giving each inanimate object…
ANIMATISM n. the primitive attribution of life to natural phenomena.
IMMEDIATEimmediate adj. Happening right away, instantly, with no delay.
immediate adj. Very close; direct or adjacent.
immediate adj. Manifestly true; requiring no argument.
IMMIGRANTimmigrant n. A non-native person who comes to a country from another country to permanently settle there.
immigrant n. A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist.
immigrant adj. Of or relating to immigrants or the act of immigrating.
IMMIGRATEimmigrate v. (Intransitive) To move into a foreign country to stay permanently.
IMMIGRATE v. to migrate into a country with the intention of settling in it.
MARIMBISTmarimbist n. Someone who plays a marimba.
MARIMBIST n. one who plays the marimba.
MAXIMISTSMAXIMIST n. a habitual maker of maxims.
MAXIMITESMAXIMITE n. a powerful explosive.
MIASMATICmiasmatic adj. Reeking, oppressing, having the nature of miasma.
MIASMATIC adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMIC, MIASMOUS.
MIGMATITEmigmatite n. (Geology) Any rock of mixed appearance, being an intimate mixture of granite and older rock, specifically…
MIGMATITE n. a type of rock containing igneous and metamorphic elements.
MIMETICALmimetical adj. Alternative form of mimetic.
MIMETICAL adj. imitative; of or relating to mimicry, also MIMETIC.
MINIMARTSminimarts n. Plural of minimart.
mini-marts n. Plural of mini-mart.
MINIMART n. a small supermarket, convenience store, also MINIMARKET.
MISMATINGmismating v. Present participle of mismate.
mismating n. An unsuitable or incorrect mating between organisms.
MISMATING n. the act of mating wrongly or unsuitably.
OMMATIDIAommatidia n. Plural of ommatidium.
OMMATIDIUM n. a simple element of a compound eye.
PSAMMITICpsammitic adj. Of or relating to psammite.
PSAMMITIC adj. of or like psammite, any rock composed of sand-grains.
SIGMATISMsigmatism n. A lisp.
sigmatism n. Defective pronunciation of sibilant sounds.
SIGMATISM n. repetition of the sigma sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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