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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, 3I, M and S

AMINITIESAMINITY n. the state of being amine.
ANIMISTICanimistic adj. Of or pertaining to animism.
ANIMISTIC adj. of or pertaining to animism, the attribution of soul to inanimate objects.
DIAPIRISMdiapirism n. The formation of diapirs.
DIAPIRISM n. the upward movement of material through denser rock.
IMAGINISTimaginist n. An imaginative person.
imaginist n. (Literature) One of the Russian poets belonging to the imaginism movement.
IMAGINIST n. a person with an active imagination.
IMAGISTICimagistic adj. (Art) Of or pertaining to imagism.
Imagistic adj. Alternative form of imagistic.
IMAGISTIC adj. relating to imagism, the artistic doctrine of the use of precise images with unrestricted subject matter.
KIRIGAMISKIRIGAMI n. (Japanese) the art of folding and cutting paper.
LAMINITISlaminitis n. (Veterinary medicine) A disease of the digital laminae of the hoof.
LAMINITIS n. inflammation of a horse's lamina.
MALIHINISmalihinis n. Plural of malihini.
MALIHINI n. (Hawaiian) a newcomer to Hawaii.
MILIARIASmiliarias n. Plural of miliaria.
MILIARIA n. a skin disease.
MIRABILISmirabilis n. (Botany) Any of the plant genus Mirabilis; a four-o’clock.
Mirabilis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Nyctaginaceae – umbrellaworts, principally of the New World.
MIRABILIS n. (short for) aqua mirabilis, a hydrated form of sodium sulphate.
MISAIMINGmisaiming v. Present participle of misaim.
MISAIM v. to aim badly.
NIRAMIAISNIRAMIAI n. (Japanese) in sumo wrestling, a period of stamping and glaring to cow the opponent.
PRIMITIASprimitias n. Plural of primitia.
PRIMITIAS n. (Spenser) the first year's revenue of a benefice, also PRIMITIAE.
SIMPLICIAsimplicia n. Plural of simplex.
SIMPLEX n. (Latin) a geometrical term, a figure with a minimum number of vertices.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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