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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, H, P, R, S and Y

CHUPRASSYchuprassy n. Alternative form of chaprasi.
CHUPRASSY n. (Urdu) an office messenger, a household attendant, also CHAPRASSI.
DYSPHORIAdysphoria n. A state of feeling unwell or unhappy; a feeling of emotional and mental discomfort and suffering from…
dysphoria n. (LGBT) Ellipsis of gender dysphoria.
DYSPHORIA n. depression, pathological discontent.
HAIRSPRAYhairspray n. Alternative form of hair spray.
hair␣spray n. A usually scented hairstyling product in aerosol form that stiffens the hair, so it stays in a certain hairstyle.
HAIRSPRAY n. lacquer sprayed on the hair to hold it in place.
HARUSPICYharuspicy n. The study and divination by use of animal entrails, usually the victims of sacrifice.
HARUSPICY n. divination by inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals.
HORSEPLAYhorseplay n. Rough or rowdy play that can often result in unintentional physical harm.
horseplay v. To engage in horseplay.
horse-play n. (Rare) Alternative form of horseplay.
MAYORSHIPmayorship n. The office or role of a mayor.
MAYORSHIP n. the office of a mayor.
MYOGRAPHSmyographs n. Plural of myograph.
MYOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording muscular contractions.
PAMPHREYSPAMPHREY n. (Irish) a cabbage.
PHARYNGESpharynges n. Plural of pharynx.
PHARYNX n. (Greek) a section of the digestive tract.
PHARYNXESpharynxes n. Plural of pharynx.
PHARYNX n. (Greek) a section of the digestive tract.
PHRASALLYphrasally adv. In a phrasal context or manner.
PHRASAL adv. pertaining to a group of two or more associated words.
PHRYGANASPHRYGANA n. (Modern Greek) an uncultivated open scrubland of the Mediterranean region, aka garigue.
PHYLARCHSphylarchs n. Plural of phylarch.
PHYLARCH n. an ancient Greek commander of a tribe.
PHYSIATRYphysiatry n. (Medicine) The treatment of disabled people.
PHYSIATRY n. the treatment of injury by physical means.
PYORRHEASpyorrheas n. Plural of pyorrhea.
PYORRHEA n. pus in the sockets of the teeth.
SHIPYARDSshipyards n. Plural of shipyard.
SHIPYARD n. a place where ships are built or repaired.
SUBPHYLARSUBPHYLAR adj. relating to a subphylum.
SYNGRAPHSsyngraphs n. Plural of syngraph.
SYNGRAPH n. a contract signed all or both parties.
SYRPHIANSsyrphians n. Plural of syrphian.
SYRPHIAN n. a wasplike fly, also SYRPHID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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