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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, H, N, 2R and T

ABHORRENTabhorrent adj. (Archaic) Inconsistent with, or far removed from, something; strongly opposed.
abhorrent adj. Contrary to something; discordant.
abhorrent adj. Abhorring; detesting; having or showing abhorrence; loathing.
ANARTHRIAanarthria n. (Neurology, neuropsychology) A speech impairment in which the ability to articulate is lost completely.
ANARTHRIA n. loss of the ability to speak coherently.
ANARTHRICanarthric adj. (Medicine) Of, relating to, or suffering from anarthria; unable to articulate owing to muscle weakness.
ANARTHRIC adj. relating to anarthria, loss of the ability to speak coherently.
BRANDRETHbrandreth n. (Now historical) A tripod or stand for a cask, a haystack, etc.
brandreth n. (Obsolete) A railing around a well.
Brandreth prop.n. A surname.
EARTHBORNearthborn adj. Born or produced on the planet Earth.
EARTHBORN adj. born from or on the earth.
ERYTHRINAerythrina n. (Botany) Any of the genus Erythrina of leguminous flowering plants; a coral tree.
Erythrina prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – the coral trees, flowering trees of the tropics and subtropics.
ERYTHRINA n. a plant of the kaffirboom genus of tropical and subtropical trees with brilliant red flowers.
HARTSHORNhartshorn n. (Countable) The antler of a hart, once used as a source of ammonia.
hartshorn n. (Dated) An aqueous solution of ammonia; smelling salts.
hartshorn v. (Transitive) To revive with hartshorn smelling salts.
HEARTBURNheartburn n. (Pathology) A burning pain in the chest that is caused by stomach acid entering the gullet.
heart-burn n. Alternative form of heartburn.
HEARTBURN n. a burning, acrid feeling in the throat or breast, severe indigestion, cardialgia.
HEARTENERheartener n. One who, or that which, heartens or animates.
HEARTENER n. one who heartens.
INTERARCHinterarch adj. Between arches.
INTERARCH v. to have intersecting arches.
NORTHWARDnorthward n. The direction or area lying to the north of a place.
northward adj. Situated or directed towards the north; moving or facing towards the north.
northward adv. Towards the north; in a northerly direction.
TARNISHERtarnisher n. One who, or that which, tarnishes.
TARNISHER n. something that causes tarnishing.
THYRATRONthyratron n. (Electronics) Any of several types of thermoelectric valve once used as a high-speed switch.
THYRATRON n. a gas-filled valve with a heated cathode, able to carry very high currents.
TRENCHARDTrenchard prop.n. A surname.
TRENCHARD n. at St Andrews University, a trencher cap.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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