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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, H, 2N, O and P

ALPENHORNalpenhorn n. Alternative spelling of alphorn.
ALPENHORN n. (German) a long powerful horn made of wood, used by Alpine cowherds, also ALPHORN.
ANSAPHONEANSAPHONE n. another name for a telephone answering machine, also ANSWERPHONE.
ANTIPHONSantiphons n. Plural of antiphon.
ANTIPHON n. (Greek) alternate chanting or singing.
ANTIPHONYantiphony n. (Music, singing) alternate, or responsive singing by a choir split into two parts; a piece sung or chanted…
antiphony n. Alternate, or responsive ideas or opinions; juxtaposition.
ANTIPHONY n. antiphonal chanting or singing.
HANDPHONEhandphone n. (Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, South Korea) A mobile phone.
handphone n. (Rare, chiefly obsolete) A telephone receiver or handset.
HANDPHONE n. in SE Asia, a mobile phone.
ORPHANINGorphaning v. Present participle of orphan.
ORPHAN v. to deprive of both parents.
PANCHEONSpancheons n. Plural of pancheon.
PANCHEON n. a wide-brimmed, shallow vessel into which milk was poured and left to settle, so that the cream could separate, also PANCHION, PUNCHEON.
PANCHIONSpanchions n. Plural of panchion.
PANCHION n. a wide-brimmed, shallow vessel into which milk was poured and left to settle, so that the cream could separate, also PANCHEON, PUNCHEON.
PANTHENOLpanthenol n. (Organic chemistry) The alcohol analogue of pantothenic acid, which is quickly oxidized to pantothenate in organisms.
PANTHENOL n. a vitamin of the B-complex affecting the growth of hair.
PANTHEONSpantheons n. Plural of pantheon.
PANTHEON n. (Greek) a temple dedicated to all the gods.
PHENOMENAphenomena n. Plural of phenomenon.
PHENOMENA n. anything directly apprehended by the senses or one of them.
PHONATHONPHONATHON n. a telephone-based fundraising campaign.
PHONATINGphonating v. Present participle of phonate.
PHONATE v. to produce speech sounds.
PHONATIONphonation n. (Phonetics) The process of producing vocal sound by the vibration of the vocal folds that is in turn…
PHONATION n. the production of vocal sound.
TYPHONIANTyphonian adj. Of or relating to Typhon or, by interpretatio graeca, his Egyptian equivalent Set.
TYPHONIAN adj. relating to a whirlwind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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