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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, H, L, N, R and U

BRUSHLANDbrushland n. An area mostly covered with brush growth.
BRUSHLAND n. an area covered with brush growth.
COTHURNALCOTHURNAL adj. like a cothurnus.
HARLEQUINharlequin n. A pantomime fool, typically dressed in colorful checkered clothes.
harlequin n. A greenish-chartreuse color.
harlequin n. (Informal) A harlequin duck.
HERCULEANherculean adj. Alternative letter-case form of Herculean.
Herculean adj. Of extraordinary might, power, size, etc.; suggesting Hercules in size or strength.
Herculean adj. Requiring a huge amount of work; of extraordinary difficulty.
INHAULERSinhaulers n. Plural of inhauler.
INHAULER n. a line for bringing in a sail, also INHAUL.
LAUNCHERSlaunchers n. Plural of launcher.
LAUNCHER n. a launching device.
NAILBRUSHnailbrush n. A small brush, with firm bristles, used to clean the fingernails or to scrub the hands.
nailbrush v. (Transitive) To scrub with a nailbrush.
NAILBRUSH n. a brush for cleaning the nails.
NARGUILEHNARGUILEH n. (Persian) a hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe in which smoke is drawn through water by a long tube, also NARGHILE, NARGHILLY, NARGHILY, NARGILE, NARGILEH, NARGILY.
PRELAUNCHprelaunch adj. Preparatory to launch.
pre-launch adj. Alternative form of prelaunch.
PRELAUNCH adj. preceding a launch.
RAUNCHILYraunchily adv. In a raunchy manner, in a lewd way.
RAUNCHY adv. coarsely or openly sexual.
SHRUBLANDshrubland n. (Mostly plural) Land that is covered mostly with shrubs.
SHRUBLAND n. land covered by shrubs.
TURNHALLSturnhalls n. Plural of turnhall.
TURNHALL n. a building where gymnasts practice.
ULTRATHINultrathin adj. Extremely thin; of utmost thinness.
ULTRATHIN adj. very very thin.
UNCHARNELuncharnel v. (Transitive, archaic) To remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave; to exhume.
UNCHARNEL v. to remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave.
UNEARTHLYunearthly adj. Not of the earth; non-terrestrial.
unearthly adj. Preternatural or supernatural.
unearthly adj. Strange, enigmatic, or mysterious.
UNHARMFULunharmful adj. Not harmful.
UNHARMFUL adj. not harmful.
UNHIRABLEunhirable adj. That cannot be hired; unsuitable for hiring.
unhirable n. One who cannot be hired; an unsuitable employee.
UNHIRABLE adj. not hirable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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