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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, H, 2L, O and R

AEROSHELLaeroshell n. An aerodynamic shell that protects a spacecraft during travel from lift-off through the atmosphere from…
AEROSHELL n. a form of parachute to enable a space vehicle to make a soft landing.
ALACHLORSALACHLOR n. a type of herbicide.
ALLOGRAPHallograph n. A variant form of a letter (or other grapheme).
allograph n. A signature made by one person for another.
ALLOGRAPH n. a writing, esp. a signature, for another, as opposed to an autograph.
ALLOMORPHallomorph n. (Chemistry) Any of the different crystalline forms of a substance.
allomorph n. (Linguistics) Any of the different phonological representations of a morpheme.
ALLOMORPH n. any one of two or more distinct crystalline forms of the same substance.
CHLORELLAchlorella n. Any single-celled green alga, of the genus Chlorella, found especially in stagnant water; now produced…
Chlorella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Chlorellaceae – unicellular green algae.
CHLORELLA n. a member of the genus Chlorella of green freshwater algae.
GRALLOCHSgrallochs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gralloch.
GRALLOCH v. (Gaelic) to gut, especially a deer.
HALLOWERShallowers n. Plural of hallower.
HALLOWER n. one who hallows.
HANDROLLShandrolls n. Plural of handroll.
HANDROLL n. a cigarette rolled by hand.
HOLLOWAREholloware n. Alternative spelling of hollowware.
HOLLOWARE n. hollow articles of china, iron etc. e.g. pots and kettles.
HUMORALLYhumorally adv. In terms of, or by means of, the bodily fluids or humours.
HUMORAL adv. of diseases, caused by or attributed to a disordered state of body fluids or (formerly) the bodily humours.
LOATHLIERloathlier adj. Comparative form of loathly: more loathly.
LOATHLY adj. (archaic) hideous, loathsome, also LAIDLY, LAITHLY.
ORCHELLASORCHELLA n. a dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHIL, ORCHILLA, ORSEILLE.
ORCHILLASORCHILLA n. a red dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHELLA, ORCHIL, ORSEILLE.
PROTHALLIprothalli n. Plural of prothallus.
PROTHALLUS n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLIUM.
SCHOLARLYscholarly adj. Characteristic of a scholar.
scholarly adj. Of or relating to scholastics or scholarship.
scholarly adv. (US) In a scholarly manner.
SHALLOWERshallower adj. Comparative form of shallow: more shallow.
SHALLOW adj. not deep.
SHORTFALLshortfall n. An instance of not meeting a quota, debt, or monthly payment on a debt or other obligation, or of having…
shortfall n. The amount by which a quota, debt, or monthly payment on a debt or other obligation is missed; the difference…
short-fall n. Alternative spelling of shortfall.
THRALLDOMthralldom n. A state of bondage, slavery, or subjugation to another person.
THRALLDOM n. servitude, also THRALDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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