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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, H, I, M and 2O

CALIMOCHOcalimocho n. A cocktail consisting of approximately 50% red wine and 50% cola-based soft drink.
CALIMOCHO n. (Spanish) a cocktail popular in Spanish-speaking countries, consisting of a mixture of cola and red wine.
HEMOCONIAhemoconia n. Alternative form of haemoconia.
HEMOCONIA n. the small particles of matter, thought to be particles of the structure of red blood cells, that are present in blood that is flowing around the body, also HAEMOCONIA.
HOMALOIDShomaloids n. Plural of homaloid.
HOMALOID n. a Euclidean space, analogous to a plane.
HOMOGAMIChomogamic adj. Of or relating to homogamy.
HOMOGAMIC adj. breeding like with like, inbreeding.
HOMOTAXIChomotaxic adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting homotaxis.
HOMOTAXIC adj. showing homotaxis, also HOMOTAXIAL.
HOMOTAXIShomotaxis n. (Biology) similarity in arrangement of parts.
homotaxis n. (Geology) similarity in the lithostratigraphic or biostratigraphic vertical sequence of rock strata…
HOMOTAXIS n. coincidence in order of organic succession but not necessarily in time.
HOMOUSIANhomousian adj. Alternative form of homoousian.
homousian n. Alternative form of homoousian.
HOMOUSIAN n. one who believes God the Son to be the same as God the Father.
MAIDHOODSMAIDHOOD n. the state of being a maid, also MAIDENHOOD.
MOOSEHAIRmoosehair n. The hair of a moose.
MOOSEHAIR n. the hair of a moose.
OMOPHAGIAomophagia n. The eating of raw food, especially raw flesh.
OMOPHAGIA n. the eating of raw flesh, also OMOPHAGY.
OMOPHAGIComophagic adj. Eating raw flesh; using uncooked meat as food.
OMOPHAGIC adj. relating to omophagia, the eating of raw flesh.
OMOPHORIAomophoria n. Plural of omophorion.
OMOPHORION n. an Eastern bishop's vestment like the pallium.
OMPHALOIDomphaloid adj. Shaped like a navel.
OMPHALOID adj. of or pertaining to the omphalos, the umbilicus, or navel, also OMPHALIC.
OOMPAHINGoompahing v. Present participle of oompah.
OOMPAH v. to play a repeated rhythmic deep sound.
YAHOOISMSyahooisms n. Plural of yahooism.
YAHOOISM n. uncouth behaviour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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