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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, H, I, 2M and N

CHAMMYINGchammying v. Present participle of chammy.
CHAMMY v. to clean with a chamois.
HAMMERINGhammering n. A period of being beaten or hammered.
hammering n. A dented appearance on silverware, produced by successive blows of a hammer.
hammering n. (Slang) A heavy defeat.
HAMMINESShamminess n. The state of being hammy.
HAMMINESS n. the quality of being hammy, overacted.
HARMONIUMharmonium n. (Music) A small keyboard instrument that consists of a series of reed pipes, which sound when one of…
HARMONIUM n. a keyboard instrument in which reeds are made to vibrate by air from a pedal-operated bellows.
HUMANISMShumanisms n. Plural of humanism.
HUMANISM n. the belief that human interests and mind are paramount.
MACHINIMAmachinima n. (Video games, film, countable, uncountable) The rendering of computer-generated imagery using low-end…
machinima n. (Video games, film, uncountable) The genre of films created by such techniques.
MACHINIMA n. the use of realtime three-dimensional graphics rendering engines to generate computer animation.
MAMMONISHmammonish adj. Actuated or prompted by a devotion to money getting or the service of Mammon.
MAMMONISH adj. actuated or prompted by a devotion to money getting or the service of Mammon.
MECHANISMmechanism n. (Within a machine or machinery) Any mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion, or the…
mechanism n. Any combination of cams, gears, links, belts, chains and logical mechanical elements.
mechanism n. A group of entities, such as objects, that interact together.
MONACHISMmonachism n. Monasticism.
MONACHISM n. the monastic system or mode of life, also MONASTICISM.
SHAMANISMshamanism n. Any of a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world.
SHAMANISM n. the religion of certain peoples of North Asia, based essentially on magic and sorcery as practised by shamans.
SHAMMYINGshammying v. Present participle of shammy.
SHAMMY v. to prepare leather like chamois, also CHAMOIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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